Tuesday 21 February 2012

Review: Mountain Man by Keith C Blackmore

Mountain ManMountain Man by Keith C Blackmore

My rating:  EPIC

Augustus Berry lives a day-to-day existence comprised of waking up, getting drunk, and preparing for the inevitable day when “they” will come up the side of his mountain and penetrate his fortress. Living on the outskirts of a city and scavenging for whatever supplies remain after civilization died two years ago, Gus knows that every time he goes down into undead suburbia could be his last.

First book of a series.

Thanks to the author for trusting me with an honest review.

After a 48 hour book binge of fairytale love @ 1st sight YA bliss, I began this novel. This was my first real horror novel. I mean, once upon a time, I watched the fright moves and used to LOVE them. Then I got girly, and sort of turned my back on the world of gore.

Welcome to the Zombie apocalyptic world, where Gus, the mountain man, is living on borrowed time, but has out lived the rest of society because he’s smarter then you’d give him credit for. He recognized the importance of toilet paper and booze. I had such an array of emotions reading this book. I could hardly contain the giggles at times, of the graphic surreal depiction of mountain man. Not at all a turn off but a pleasant relief. It was a welcome back to the real world of sorts. Needless to say, Gus is a manly man; but it’s not just about him. There are the zombies! The encounter scenes are nail biting, heart pumping,” Oh my Lord” swearing…… so scary you could s!*% yourself, and then someone in the story does, and it’s freaking hilarious!

If you making me break out the old albuterol …you literally take my breath away. This book did it. It was funny, scary, a little sad, and will have you cheering for this mountain man to live just one more day.

WARNING:  This book is not for the squeamish of hearts…..but even if you are you will be surprised at how much you’re going to enjoy this book.
Should you embark on this journey, get ready to see words like:
♥ vomit,
♥ belch,
♥ scratching of the nether regions,
♥ Captain Morgan and  Jack Daniels.

If this was a movie…this would be my dream "Gus":
Mickey Rourke

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite celebrity "red carpet" clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

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