Wednesday 29 February 2012

Free at Amazon Wednesday Feb. 29

Friends Forever by Maryann Miller

Eppie Awards Finalist

Debbie Webly is terrified that she will lose Laura to the influence of Angie who is rich, beautiful, and the most popular girl in school. There’s not much Debbie won’t do to hang on to her friend, but will she cross some line that she can never come back from?

And what about Brad?  Does she even stand a chance with him?

The challenges mount when Debbie is tempted to commit social suicide by taking up for Stephanie who is even more of an outcast than she is. When Angie makes a surprising move, Debbie finds out that true friendship is based on much more than looks or popularity.

“FRIENDS FOREVER beautifully captures the pain and confusion of early adolescence. Young readers will identify with Debbie and her friends. Older readers will remember and smile. It is a delightful book. I highly recommend it.” - Four and a half stars, Carrie S. Masek, Sharpwriter Reviews   

“Ms. Miller captures the trials and tribulations of 13 year-olds very easily. She talks their lingo and keeps the book interesting with enough twists and surprises to keep younger readers turning the pages to the very end.” - Pam Stone, Myshelf Reviews

“Miller’s book accomplishes what few others in this genre do. She effectively combines humor, true life feelings, and interesting dialogue in a novel about peer pressure.” ~ Aimee McLeod, Wordweaving Reviews

~ Find Maryann's titles here
How to Survive a Summer Romance (or Two) by Ann Herrick

Can Kaysie have a summer romance with Troy and still remain true to Brian? After all, Brian did tell her to have a fling or two while she was on vacation! But what happens when feelings and hormones collide? Can Kaysie trust her heart to stay on track? And how is she going to keep an eye on her mother and Troy's father--who just happens to be Mom's former summer romance? How did fun in the summer sun get so complicated, anyway?

Relics - Ancient Enemy Book Two by Vijaya Schartz

The year is 2023, and an alien invader has infiltrated the human race. In a dangerous future threatened by aliens and infiltrated by hybrids, archeologist Celene Dupres witnesses her father's murder. Vowing to avenge him and retrieve his precious alien relics, she finds the perfect ally and protector. But the man she trusts, the man with whom she is falling in love, is the secret agent sent to kill her. Kin, however is more than a killing machine. Despite his love for Celene, can he accomplish his gruesome mission, and save humanity from the threat embedded in her DNA?

"RELICS is an intense thrill ride of a futuristic romance; I highly recommend it." Marlene Breakfield - Paranormal Romance

" intriguing romance... all the staples of a good science fiction story." - Romantic Times

" ...will keep you captivated from beginning to end." - Gina - Love Romances - 5-hearts rating

"I consider this to be among the best reads of the year!" - Johnna - Fallen Angel Reviews - Rating: 5 angels

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