Friday 3 February 2012

New interview with author Shirley Martin

Born near Pittsburgh, Shirley Martin attended the University of Pittsburgh. After graduating from "Pitt", she taught school for one year, then obtained a position as a flight attendant with Eastern Airlines. Based in Miami, she met her future husband there.  After raising three sons, she devoted her time to writing, something she had always wanted to do.

With a vivid imagination and a love of storytelling, Shirley has always enjoyed writing. Her first published novel, "Destined to Love" reflects her familiarity with western Pennsylvania, where she hails from, and her love of romance writing. From this historical romance, she blossomed out to other romance genres. "One More Tomorrow" is a vampire romance, one her publisher dubbed "a sizzling seller". With several fantasy novels and novellas, her writing should appeal to just about every reader of romance. Her books have been sold at Amazon and most major book stores and have garnered great reviews.

A widow, Shirley lives in Birmingham, Alabama, with her two cats.

BWL: How long have you been writing and in what genres?

SM:  For years, I've wanted to write and finally got started after my sons were grown and on their own. I started writing historical romances, then blossomed into paranormal and fantasy.

BWL: Where you do get your inspiration?

SM:  From everywhere! For my historicals, I got ideas from reading histories of western Pennsylvania. For paranormal, I enjoyed reading about vampires and time travel. Both the paranormal and fantasy genres are brimming with ideas. I have a book of Celtic myths and legends, and my novella "Midnight for Morgana" springs from that.

BWL: Tell us about your book(s).

SM:  "Midnight for Morgana" is a different take on the Cinderella story. Here is the blurb.

Midnight for Morgana

When Prince Keir attends the fair in a faraway city, he never expected to meet his future bride there. But seeing a beautiful woman with blue eyes and blonde hair, he knows this lady was meant for him. Clad in satin and fur and riding a sleek white horse, she surely must be a princess. Prince Keir will accept nothing less than a princess as his bride. But he is in for a surprise, for Morgana is not what she appears to be.
Tired of drudgery and housework, Morgana wishes she could attend the fair and meet other young people. When a good witch grants her these wishes, she gets more than she bargained for. But when Prince Keir comes to her house, he is the last person she wants to see.

BWL: Why did you choose to publish electronically?

SM:  This is a great way to reach readers who may not be able to afford hardcover or paperback. With Kindle, books are easily accessible with downloads.

BWL: What are your hobbies and interests?

SM:  I enjoy walking and reading, both fiction and non-fiction. I like growing plants, especially orchids.
BWL: Where can readers find you?

SM: My website is  Readers can also go to, click on Books, then type in my name. 

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