Friday 24 February 2012

Feature Follow Friday #5

This meme is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read

Q: Activity!!! Take a picture or describe where you love to read the most...

I live in the DC area.  I spend 4 hours a day on the train to and from work. (2 hours in the morning, 2 hours in the evening.)  I don't mind because I like to read and zone out the rude people. 

My second favorite place is at photoshoots.  While the models are in hair and make up, I have plenty of time to read. Usually an hour or two before I have to dress them in wardrobe.

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite celebrity "red carpet" clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

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