Tuesday 28 February 2012

Free at Amazon Tuesday Feb. 28

Wilding Nights by Lee Killough

Homicide detective Allison Goodnight has a big problem. A rogue werewolf killed the victim in her latest case. She knows the signs; she is a werewolf, too. Her whole family is. It is urgent that she close this case without revealing the killer’s nature before humans’ racial memory of her kind awakens. But her new partner Zane Kerr is watching her with unnerving intensity. He is disturbed by her secretive behavior on this case. And when the description of a woman seen with the victim matches a number of Allison’s relatives, he has to wonder if she is trying to protect, not catch, the killer. He is determined to find out. Which could be fatal for him. If he learns too much, Allison may have to turn killer herself to protect her people.


"Fans of Killough's meticulous craftsmanship will not be disappointed. In Wilding Nights she seamlessly inserts a fully realized supernatural race into the everyday realities of Gulf Coast life. Her characters think, talk and act the way they should, lending enormous credibility to the extraordinary elements of the story. Her characters also overtake the plot in the most surprising ways. For example, the road to romance takes a quite a different path than the one you expect, but it works perfectly." ~ Jean Marie Ward, Crescent Blues Book Views

Relics - Ancient Enemy Book Two by Vijaya Schartz

The year is 2023, and an alien invader has infiltrated the human race. In a dangerous future threatened by aliens and infiltrated by hybrids, archeologist Celene Dupres witnesses her father's murder. Vowing to avenge him and retrieve his precious alien relics, she finds the perfect ally and protector. But the man she trusts, the man with whom she is falling in love, is the secret agent sent to kill her. Kin, however is more than a killing machine. Despite his love for Celene, can he accomplish his gruesome mission, and save humanity from the threat embedded in her DNA?

"RELICS is an intense thrill ride of a futuristic romance; I highly recommend it." Marlene Breakfield - Paranormal Romance

"...an intriguing romance... all the staples of a good science fiction story." - Romantic Times

" ...will keep you captivated from beginning to end." - Gina - Love Romances - 5-hearts rating

"I consider this to be among the best reads of the year!" - Johnna - Fallen Angel Reviews - Rating: 5 angels

Family Ties by Jamie Hill

With a couple of dead bodies thrown in, Detective Brady Marshall's stolen goods case has just become a lot more interesting. His love life takes a turn for the better when he meets Gina Morris, a feisty waitress at the club where the latest victim has surfaced. A happily unattached ladies' man, Brady isn't looking to settle down. But after meeting the beautiful Italian spitfire, his thoughts are shifting in that direction.

Gina Morris doesn't date cops. Until she meets Brady, that is, and gets won over by his dogged persistence and winning smile. With things in her past that are best left unspoken, Gina hesitates to get too close, but can't resist the handsome detective's charm. When his case runs smack dab into her past life, both of them are forced to make choices they never dreamed possible in an attempt to salvage their relationship, and possibly even save their lives.

"Family Ties started out with a bang and kept me on my toes throughout the entire book. Ms. Hill did an outstanding job with the plotline, and I was literally biting my nails the entire time I was reading. I couldn't put this fast paced, action packed book down. I HAD to find out what happened next. It was addicting. Ms. Hill has a gift of hooking the reader and not letting go until the very last word. And even then, there was a description of Family Secrets (the first book in the series). It's now on my HAVE TO BUY list. So let me just leave you with this one suggestion. You really want to go out and buy this book. It's a 114 page book that is filled with every emotion you can think of. You won't want to miss this one. Ms. Hill is an author to watch." ~ Val, You Gotta Read Reviews, 5 Stars

Golden Chances Book 4: The Rebel
by Jane Toombs

Two powerful California Families

A Multi-Generational Saga from Confederation to the 20th Century
Don't miss
the Burwashs and the Gabaldons
The Truths, the Legends

Golden Chances 

Night Corridor by Joan Hall Hovey

After nine years in Bayshore mental institution, once called the lunatic asylum, Caroline Hill is finally being released.  

There will be no one to meet her. Her parents who brought her here…are dead. 

They have found her a room in a rooming house, a job washing dishes in a restaurant. She will do fine, they said. But no one told that women in St. Simeon are already dying at the hands of a vicious predator. One, an actress who lived previously in her building.    

And others. 

And now, as Caroline struggles to survive on the outside, she realizes someone is stalking her.  

But who will believe her? She's a crazy woman after all.  

Then, one cold winter's night on her way home from her job, a man follows and is about to assault her when a stranger intercedes.  

A stranger who hides his face and whispers her name.

"The mystery and suspense in this novel is outstanding, truly top notch, in the vein of Mary Higgins Clark, but—dare I say—even better? What really struck me as brilliant was Ms. Hovey's ability to paint the picture of an innocent, a woman who'd been raised by an institutional staff since the age of seventeen, when a horrendous event tore her heart out and separated her from reality. Caroline's inner thoughts, her hesitant and sometimes awkward speech, the turmoil she feels with each simple step toward freedom, her frail courage…each of these felt real and authentic. I grew incredibly fond of this protagonist, and with each brave step she took, I found myself cheering her on.

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