Monday 6 February 2012

Review: Half Black Soul by H.D. Gordon

Half Black Soul  (The Alexa Montgomery Saga, #2)Half Black Soul by H.D. Gordon

My rating: EPIC

In the past few weeks Alexa Montgomery has had her entire world flipped upside down. She's gone from living a semi-normal teenage life to a life full of vampires and werewolves who all expect her to deliver them from the control of an evil dictator. Alexa is the last of her kind; a Sun Warrior, and now she has left the safety of Two Rivers to search for her mother, but she's left her sister behind to do so, and Nelly is the one person that she was told that she must always protect. Kayden, a vampire who is Alexa's other half, has followed her on her journey. But, secrets are about to come out, relationships will break and danger lies just up ahead. Will Alexa be able to get through all of this and make it out alive? And, will she be able to protect Nelly from danger when she is so far away?

Lady Luck struck twice! Thanks again to the good people over at Shut Up & Read on GoodReads for entrusting me to give an honest review.
After reading Blood Warrior, I begged for more romance and more fighting. After reading Half Black Soul, I feel as if I’ve been injected with a syringe containing concentrated lust and death. Seriously I’m having an excitement OVERLOAD here and need to calm down before I pass out.

Everything you could ask for people is IN THIS BOOK:

♥ Conspiracies

♥ Steamy moments

♥ Revaluations

♥ Betrayal

♥ Little Nelly growing up and showing her powers off

♥ Kayden, oh Kayden… still my heart…boy if you only knew what I want to do to…. *clearing my throat* Pardon me!

Fighting, correction, kicking ass, correction, BRIGHT RED BLOOD making the green grass grow…..HOOAH!

♥ And in the center of it all, Alexa. (One schizophrenic bad azz heroine that I love so much!)

This is my new favorite book. 5 stars is a rip off and does it no justice. EPIC, that’s what it is!

Now this I'll pay BIG BUCKS to see on the big screen! Whenever I’m feeling down, sad, or just plan peeved off, I’ll always have the memory of HALF BLACK SOUL to put a smile on my face.

If you haven’t read this book, you’re delusional. You should be put in a straight jacket and refined to a time out corner, because seriously this read is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

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