Thursday 23 February 2012

Free at Amazon Thursday Feb. 23

Alien Lockdown  by Vijaya Schartz
The year is 3033, and deep in the bowels of the underground galactic prison, something has gone terribly wrong. An artist at heart, Rhonda never wanted this medic prison job. When the civilian personnel vanish and an earthquake damages the nuclear reactor, she must go down to repair it with Captain Perfect himself, Cole Riggeur, who always plays by the rules and never trusted a woman in his life. But deep in the underground penitentiary, the most wicked convicts in the Galaxy are loose, and a treacherous shape-shifter plans his revenge. Disconnected from the Garrison, against impossible odds, Cole and Rhonda now face their greatest challenge... trusting each other in order to survive. 

"Packed with tension and action from the first page to the last, Schartz's novel is an exciting adventure. She has a rich imagination and deftly executes it." ~ Romantic Times Magazine  

"Vijaya Schartz takes the reader on a thrill ride. Between the prisoners, earthquakes and lava flows, Cole and Rhonda work together to survive. Can they get back to the surface before the planet explodes? Will they find a way to get off the planet? Will they give in to their feelings for each other? Read the book and find out." ~ Candy - Ecataromance -  4 1/2 stars – sensuous 

"...suspenseful, gripping saga of survival, betrayal, and hope...the resourcefulness and courage that occurs when a person refuses to admit defeat and die." ~ Dena - Fallen Angel Reviews - 5 Angels 

"The action reminded me of an INDIANA JONES movie and the romance was equally intense." ~ Paranormal Romance Reviews

"Why ISN'T this book on the NYT Bestseller list?" ~ Action Girl - Amazon Reviews  5 Stars rating 

"...the fantastic anticipation only a ticking bomb can generate, I was enthralled from page one" ~  4 Stars  Ecataromance - Reviewed by Lynn Lowe 

"...kept me on the edge of my desk chair, completely mesmerized by the non-stop action and suspense...I recommend "Alien Lockdown" to anybody, and everybody." ~ 5 Stars rating - Phoenix Forrester - Realms Of Love  

" Action filled sequence from start to finish."  ~ Tami Brad, TCM reviews and

"To be honest with you Alien Lockdown is not my type of book; but when I started reading it I had to finish it before I could put it down. I look forward to reading something else of yours." ~ Tammy Kelley, Romance Junkies 4.5 blue ribbons 

"...this book will appeal to men and women alike." ~ Beverly Forehand - Round Table Reviews
"...a super entertaining read. Wow! I cannot wait for the next one! Can you write faster?" ~ Annie Bonneau - Canadian Review

~ Find Vijaya's titles here 

Golden Chances Book 3: The Dancer 
by Jane Toombs

Two powerful California Families

A Multi-Generational Saga from Confederation to the 20th Century
Don't miss
the Burwashs and the Gabaldons
The Truths, the Legends

Golden Chances 

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