Thursday 2 February 2012

ARC Review: Howl for Me (unfinished/ abridged) by Aaron Lee Johns Jr

I received an unfinished/ abridged ARC copy of “Howl for Me” by Aaron Lee Johns Jr from the Author for an honest review.

This novel contains a series of short stories with various genres. From Erotic to paranormal, to adult contemporary, to horror, that all prove to be outstanding intros to a series of very promising novels. I must admit, I didn’t know what to expect, but definitely didn’t know this break out Indie author had it in him.  I’m familiar with the author’s romance poetry. (So very swoon worthy, I might add!)  Well this feature took a step outside the box.  The first mini story jumped right to the action omitting the foreplay completely and left this little lady blushing and completely unprepared.  And then like a cold shower leaves you on a cliff hanger. *Clearing throat* Not to sound forward or anything. … But would like to know what happened next.  I could really appreciate the next story about the soldier.  VERY BELIEVEABLE! (I’ve read militant stories from civilians authors who haven’t got a clue and write based on Hollywood stereotypes.  I served 10 years.  If you are going to write about us, then do some research first!  *SMH*) Great job Mr. Johns.  My favorite story was the last one with the kick ass heroine.  The only complaints I have, of course, are the few grammatical errors, and the fact that their just basically excerpts.  Also know as teasers…better known as FINISH THE DARN BOOK ALREADY.  I can’t wait to read the full stories.

The author has also entrusted my to read and review a published copy of another novel:


Kayla Wright had wanted to be a Detective her entire life. Growing up in a rough neighborhood, made her want to do all she could to help others who could not help or defend themselves. The routine crimes happening in the City, made it easy for her to solve nearly all of her cases. But now, her new case involving the vigilante known as GEMINI is turning the city upside down. Now she has a team dedicated to tracking him down. But the question arises, who is more of a threat to her: The vigilante, or her team. Who is lurking in the shadows? Is he friend or foe? Is it even a ‘he’? And can she solve this case before more people end up dead.

This author may be an old battle buddy of mine, so if you think my reviews are bias, then check this out for yourself!  Howl For Me is not released yet, however Gemini is available.  I will read Gemini soon so look out for my review!

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

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