Friday 17 February 2012

Author Interview/ Giveaway: Kashif Ross

Hello Beautiful People,

This is my very first author interview/ giveaway.  This interview is with Indie Author, Kashif Ross.  There will also be an eBook giveaway of his debut novel, “Barcode: Legend of Apollo”,  at the bottom of this post. 

Barcode: The Legend of Apollo (Barcode, #1)
Barcode: The Legend of Apollo (Barcode, #1)
by Kashif Ross

Published February 4th 2012

Spencer's an infamously well-known “god” uninterested in his own fate. He turns nineteen-years-old on the first day of his last year at Colt Academy, the academic institution for gladiators. To celebrate, he unwillingly mentors a mysterious nerd, watches his family's helicopter plunge into the ground, and meets a strange Louisianan boy that may want to kill him. With the future of his family's fortune on the line, Spencer not only has to fight the occasional trip to Hades, but also train with his most hated childhood friend, discover the truth about his mother's death, and reestablish his legend as America's savior.
Barcode: The Legend of Apollo (Barcode, #1)

Author Interview:

Tell us a little about yourself. (education, home town, etc)
Hey, I'm Kashif Ross and I'm originally from the wild west--Los Angeles, California. Though I'm college educated, most people never know my degrees. My BA is in Social Ecology, and I received that from UC-Irvine. My MS is in Gerontology, from Long Beach State. My friends know me as that guy that's done a little bit of everything. I've been a molecular oncology researcher for prostate cancer, a tutor in everything from math to computers, a slam poetry performer, 3D animator, and character designer. I currently reside in The Bay area, but I'm moving back to LA in a few months. Can't wait!

What do you do when you are not writing?
Right now, all I do is write because I'm working on cranking out two more novels this year. But, I'm known to dabble in the occasional Just Dance videos for the Wii. I've participated in a few wars on my PS3, I practice my guitar, and draw.

What inspired you to write "Barcode: Legend of Apollo"?
Manga. Here's my dilemma, I suffer from a horrible attention disorder. I just can't sit still because my mind is always working. Back in the good ole days, I could read for hours and finish a book in a day, but not any more. Now, when I read something, I get my own ideas.

I began reading Naruto seven years back and got a wicked idea for his enemy/rival. I created a hidden village for him and other things. Then, I got into Bleach and made a better main character because Ichigo blows most of the time. After two years, both characters merged in my mind and they were no longer 2D fictional characters. I had this manga-like fantasy in my head. Generally, I was okay with keeping the stories to myself. But on a stormy night, they started haunting my thoughts and I had to get them on paper!

Who designed the cover of "Barcode: Legend of Apollo"?
Oh my! Stephanie "Sheep" Yang and Glynnis Koike. I love them so much. Sheep is an old friend and I knew she rocked at art. I hadn't spoken to her in years, but contacted her on Facebook when I realized she was 'The One'. She linked up with her friend and made magic. If you want to see Glynnis' work, I feature her on my website: Cover Art. If anyone wants Sheep or Glynnis for work, they can leave  a comment on my page or get Glynnis' email from that link.

Is there a message in your novel, "Barcode: Legend of Apollo" that you want readers to grasp?
Yes, but let me warn you, I deliver it in the most dramatic way.

War is beautifully horrible. Though we feel safe in certain countries, there are many people who suffer trauma and torture on a daily basis. We can't turn a blind eye to this or tragic things will happen to us.

Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
One of my best friends was murdered on the streets of LA in 2007. Though he was a great guy, he had this dark side to him and it was getting worse. Funny thing is, I didn't realize how much the story related to his life until I had to explain the final events to someone. But this has happened before. I've written numerous stories about him since that time. Even the next few books from Barcode have his struggle in them.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
I wanted people to understand the ending a little better. If I could, I would have left the last two or three chapters off and created a less of a 'problem' for the next book. I've spoken to some readers and they were a bit upset with the final events, others were thrilled.

Taking the final chapters for Book #1 to Book #2 may have been a solution, but I'm still very satisfied overall and trying not to focus on it. I have "Cavern of Youth" to worry about.

What are you currently reading?
I've been trying to find time to finish "The Chosen One" by Sheenah Freitas for so long, but I'm too busy. Wonderful story so far.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
Stephen King. I can crank out books just as quickly and would love advice on it.

Do you have any advice for other writers?
Yes. First, I have a "Stupid Man's Guide" with videos of this advice. But, in summary, check your resources and formatting first. Keep everything clean and neat so you're not wasting time at the end.

As for writing, just write. Don't worry about whether it's a good or bad idea. Just write and delete if it sucks, that's what a backspace is for.

Lastly, love it. This can be wonderful, but when you see your sales slipping, it can bum you out a bit. Don't concentrate on that. Look for places to market your book and write something new. Keep busy and trust in a better future.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Be warned, my novels are not predictable. I want to attract a different set of readers: those that are tired of the stereotypical fantasy of boy defeats wizard/vampire to become a hero trend. I want to get the others who feel left out and are dying for something new. But if you accept this challenge from me, don't run away because things don't go your way. I'm trying to set up a very detailed and unpredictable ending to my series and I hope you'll join for the ride.

Will you have a new book coming out soon?
Barcode: Cavern of Youth is on schedule to release between June 1st and June 18th. I'll update my website once I have an official date.

Final Words:
Thank you for your time and energy. I appreciate this interview and all readers who managed to get through it. Your time is precious and you spent it with me, that means a lot. Best!

Visit Kashif Ross online:

I don't know about you guys, but Kashif seems like a really cool person, and I can not wait to read this book!  My husband and I are HUGE FANS of Ichigo!  Funny thing, my hubby says Ichigo gets his butt kicked alot, but that's what makes him better.  I disagree and  would love to see this alternate universe inspired partly by Bleach.  I've got my copy of Barcode: The Legend of Apollo  for review, now here's your chance to win:

Entries begin: Midnight, 18 Feb 2012
End: Midnight , 2 March 2012

3 Lucky winners will be selected!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite celebrity "red carpet" clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

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