Monday 20 February 2012

Free at Amazon Monday Feb. 20

How Not to Date A Hollywood Star by Betty Jo Schuler

Melissa Martin would love to meet Hollywood teen star, Chad Robb, but meeting an adorable guy while he’s in a coma is not the preferred way. Dating a conscious guy with tanned flesh, toned muscle and a heart that races when you kiss is highly preferable. Lissa’s movie idol makes this a memorable summer when a boat hits him and his spirit exits his body to find her a boyfriend and a life.
"I sat all afternoon and read How Not to Date a Hollywood Star. I really, really enjoyed it. I got caught up in Melissa's life and loved Mandy. Both guys were easy to get attached to. It was fun. (I wanted more...after it ended.)" ~ Cathy, reader 

The Doctor's Dilemma by Janet Lane Walters

Take one doctor who’s made a career of temporary positions and avoiding commitment. Add a nurse who dreams of security and a settled life. Stir in infant twins bequeathed to him by his dead foster sister. Pour them into a small Texas town that wants the doctor to stay. To Dr. Neal McKay, it’s a prescription for a dilemma.
"I loved this book! The storyline was well thought out, characters were believable. The book is very well written, easy to understand even if English is not your first language." ~ 5 Stars, Liispet, Amazon Reader and Verified Purchase

"I enjoyed the plot. I would read other books by this author." ~ 5 Stars, Teresa, Amazon Reader and Verified Purchase

Eye of the Storm by Renee Simons

Five years after his imprisonment for treason, Marine Corps Major Michael Stormwalker gets a chance to prove his innocence. The one person qualified to help him uncover the truth, however, has other plans. Convinced he murdered her fiancĂ©, Alexandra McLaren means to see that Stormwalker goes straight back to Leavenworth. 

Sparks fly in the clash between a seemingly immovable object and an equally irresistible force. The sexual sizzle ignites Stormwalker's love for the auburn-haired beauty, who becomes as vital to his happiness as the restoration of his honor, the pride of his people and his career. 

"Four Stars! A fast-paced, suspenseful read complete with clues and red herrings. . .Description is woven into the action. . .with the addition of some entertaining Indian myth and lore." ~ SimGen Reviews 

"Eye of the Storm was great from beginning to end.  The story was well plotted with a consistent amount of feeling and mystery.  Definitely a page turner!" ~ Rhapsody Magazine

Blood Hunt by Lee Killough

When San Francisco Homicide Inspector Garreth Mikaelian begins hunting a mysterious red-haired woman who appears involved in the murders of two out-of-town businessmen, he faces a killer unlike any he has investigated before. For unknown to him, Lane Barber is a vampire. When Garreth comes too close, she attacks him and turns him into a vampire, too. Now, even as he struggles to cope with this devastating change in his life without betraying to others what he has become, he is back on Lane’s trail...this time with a vengeance. But can he find her, and find a way to bring her to justice, before she decides to attack again, and this time finish him off?

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