Friday 17 February 2012

New interview with author Janet Lane Walters

Janet Lane Walters has been writing and published since the days of the typewriter. She has 30 plus novels and seven novellas plus four non-fiction books published. Janet lives in the scenic Hudson River valley with her husband, a psychiatrist who has no desire to cure her obsession with writing.

She is the mother of four and the grandmother of five with two children expected to arrive soon from
China. Janet writes in a number of genres - Romance from sweet to sensual and from contemporary to fantasy and paranormal. She has published cozy mysteries and medical suspense. She also has a number of YA fantasies published. Visit her Blog:

BWL: How long have you been writing and in what genres?

JLW: I've been writing since the days of carbon paper and typewriters. My first short story was published in 1968 and the first novel in 1972. I did take some time away from writing to return to Nursing to help fund children's college education. Genres are several. Romance is the first one and the stories are anywhere from sweet to erotic. I have a number of cozy mysteries and one suspense. I also write fantasy for both YA and adults. Four non-fiction books are part of my lists, three were ghost-written for doctors and one is a book on writing.

BWL: Where you do get your inspiration?

JLW: Ideas are everywhere. For me inspiration is what gives me the desire to write. Sometimes this prod comes from people like my friends and my family. Other times something I read inspires me to start a story. Usually something sparks an idea and I'm off and running, though sometimes it's very slow, especially when I start the rough draft. By the time I finish this I have a clear idea of where I'm going and that inspires me to start the re-writes and revisions. Many times when I'm revising a story something triggers another story. 

BWL: Tell us about your book(s). 

JLW: I have four books with Books We Love. The Doctor's Dilemma is a sweet romance. Take one doctor who’s made a career of temporary positions and avoiding commitment. Add a nurse who dreams of security and a settled life. Stir in infant twins bequeathed to him by his dead foster sister. Pour them into a small Texas town that wants the doctor to stay. To Dr. Neal McKay, it’s a prescription for a dilemma.
A Double Opposition is a sensual medical romance. Nursing supervisor Liz Jordan’s life is hectic. With twin sons who have never known their father, a new job and her reliable sitter moving to Florida, she has no time for love. Her new job allows her to move her boys from the city to a safer environment. At least she hopes so but an older neighbor boy brings trouble. Add widower Alex Carter, neurosurgeon and the hospital’s most eligible bachelor and the problems escalate. Can she afford to admit she’s found love a second time? Can he when he believes his first marriage was perfect?

Heart Throb: Magda Malone likes men and has no desire to marry. She’s been there, done that and got burned. She’s happy with her position as coordinator of the cardiac unit at the hospital. A new neighbor promises many nights of steamy sex. Damon also has no desire for marriage. He had too many steps as a child and sees marriage as a serial sort of game. He doesn’t want to play. When Magda learns he’s a cardiologist, she blows him off. The problem is Damon has fallen in love and he must convince Magda there’s more between them than sex.

Gemstones - When Nicola Gordon and her younger sisters travel from India to England, she goes to a marriage she doesn’t want.

Drew Barlow has no desire for marriage, but his distant cousin and Nicola’s grandfather, ran the estates into debt. Drew agrees to the marriage for the money and to please the Dowager, Nicola’s grandmother, but he has no trust for women or for love.

When the two meet they clash and come together, igniting a blazing attraction they cannot resist.

I also have a lot of other books ranging from mystery, suspense, romance from sweet to spicy, and fantasy from YA to adult.

BWL: What about your next book?  Will it be part of a series or a stand alone?  Can you give us a taste to whet our appetites?

BWL: My next book is the second of an alternate Egypt trilogy called the Chosen of Horu. The hero Seth is a burned out undercover cop who has been betrayed and about to be turned over to the bad guys. He has the flyer the heroine of The Warrior of Bast threw away and he makes the call. He is transported to an ancient Egypt and becomes a seven-year slave. He has been given a task. He must rescue the Daughter and find jewelry belonging to the first queen. Merin is the Daughter with a lineage going back to the first queen and Pharaoh. Marriage to her will make the man she chooses the pharaoh. Once he manages to rescue her the adventure begins and they must face any number of those who want to choose the man she weds. Among these is Hebu, a priest of Aken Re. This god was brought to the Two Lands by a force invading from the east. The goddess Bast and the gods Horu and Toth are being cast aside by this new priesthood. They have chosen to intervene.

BWL: Why did you choose to publish electronically?

JLW: I was published by New York publishers but I began writing outside the box. My friend and co-writer told me to try electronic publishing. I did and the freedom to write the way I wanted to tell the stories in my own way was the deciding factor. My first book hit the electronic shelves in 1978 and I've never looked back. Even when these new publishers failed or disappeared, I didn't lose hope. These days with the advent of the new readers, my faith sings.

BWL: What are your hobbies and interests?

JLW: Hobbies and interests have changed over the years. I used to compose music and write poetry. No longer have time for them. My interest in Astrology has continued and though I don't do charts for friends any longer, I continue to read and explore this area. Reading is another of my hobbies. I generally read or re-read several books a week. My last hobby is housecleaning. I figure a hobby is something you do in your spare time. Need I say more.

BWL: What does the future hold for you?

JLW: At my age, each day is a gift and what I've been doing for years I'll still be doing. I'll be writing all my stories, spoiling my 7 grandchildren and trying to age gracefully.

BWL: Where can readers find you?

BWL: Thanks Janet!

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