Tuesday 27 March 2012

Review: The Scarlet Dagger by Krystle Jones

The Scarlet DaggerThe Scarlet Dagger by Krystle Jones
Kindle Edition, 1st Edition, 256 pages
Published October 23rd 2011
My rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
The strength of Sloane’s heart is about to be put to the ultimate test.

After the Eclipse – the night vampires began openly slaughtering human victims – everything changed. Out of fear, the government salvaged what remained of the human population and enclosed them in massive, security-laden cities called White Sectors, while marking the vampire infested territory as Red Sectors.

When seventeen-year-old Sloane McAllister’s twin brother disappears, she seems to be the only one who thinks he isn’t dead, and vows to stop at nothing to find him. Gathering her courage, she braves the Red Sector to search for clues to his whereabouts. By chance, she encounters Aden, a handsome, charismatic vampire with a hidden agenda. He turns Sloane against her will, and whisks her away to his underground city. Enemies quickly become friends as Sloane struggles against her attraction to Aden, and resists her growing loyalties to the creatures that ruined her life. But the vampires themselves are the least of her problems. The city is harboring a devastating secret, one that could change the tide of the war and threaten to destroy everything Sloane has come to believe in.

Heart-stopping action and scorching romance collide in this dystopian, urban fantasy thriller. (approx. 81,000 words or 256 pages)

I was given a copy of this novel from the author for any honest review!

WOW! The overall composition of this novel was Jedi mind trickery at its finest! There is no way I could have guessed all the events as they played out in this dystopian, urban fantasy thriller.

This novel takes us into a world riddled with a devastating discovery of vampires. Sloane lost her twin Orion and friend Rook the day the vampires revealed themselves in the most horrid manner. Three years later, unable to cope with the mystery of her brother’s death, she ventures back to the forbidden sector that was once her family’s home. It is there, she meets Aden, and her life is taken on a whirlwind of an adventure!

Sloane wasn’t the most kick ass heroine, I’ve ever met but she was definitely someone to be reckoned with. Here’s my all time favorite scene:

"I raced for the kitchen, careening into the cabinets as I flung open the knife drawer. Footsteps thundered toward me. Whirling around, I hurled one knife after the other as the men came through the doorway. Blades embedded themselves in their chests and foreheads, spraying blood along the wall. When I ran out of knives, I grabbed the biggest fork I could find and launched myself at the final man blocking my way. When he first saw the fork, he laughed-

Right before I shoved it into his open mouth, so hard the prongs dug into the back of his skull."

I was like a washed out high school quarterback watching the pros slam a touchdown at the Super Bowl on Thanksgiving when I read that scene. Like a proud papa bear, I leaped up so quickly, I almost broke my Nook! THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT! YEAH!

*Clearing my throat* *brushing the nonexistent lint from my lapel*

Pardon my outburst! This story almost read like a mystery novel, but like I said before, there was no way I could have guess all the events that took place.

♥ Betrayal,

♥ Romance,

♥ Secrets, &

♥ Assassination plots.
Oh and to just leave your heart in your throat, we’re left on a cliff hanger! The next installment of The Red Sector Chronicles is definitely on my radar!

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite celebrity "red carpet" clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

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