Friday 2 March 2012

Free at Amazon Friday March 2

Summer Magic by Sydell Voeller

When her fiancé calls off their engagement, veterinarian assistant Lisa Prentice joins the circus in hopes of escaping the everyday grind. But life under the big top isn't quite what she expected. None of the veterinarian's former assistants managed to please their short-tempered boss, and Lisa fears that her days are numbered, too. Michael Figaro, a dashing young trapeze artist, is also cautious about whether Lisa can stay, and because of that, he tries to keep his distance. Still, Lisa finds herself overwhelmingly attracted to him. Although Michael is the aerialist, it is Lisa who is flying on an emotional high wire. What happened to her safety net? Will their love survive?

"This book is an example of the perfect romance. I enjoyed Ms. Voeller's ability to switch between the points of view of Lisa and Michael. I felt I knew all the characters very well...This is a great story to read in one sitting and spend a few hours swept away in the magic of the circus." ~ Bethany Payne, Roundtable Reviews

Designed for Love by Roseanne Dowell

Fate, kismet, or whatever you want to call it is, it turned Interior Designer, Wendy Seidel’s world upside down. From a chance meeting at the airport to Florida and back to Ohio, she can’t believe the strange circumstances that throw her and Bill Johnson together, after he literally knocks her off her feet at the airport. 


Golden Chances Book 5: The Fixer
by Jane Toombs

Two powerful California Families

A Multi-Generational Saga from Confederation to the 20th Century
Don't miss
the Burwashs and the Gabaldons
The Truths, the Legends

Golden Chances 

How to Survive a Summer Romance (or Two) by Ann Herrick

Can Kaysie have a summer romance with Troy and still remain true to Brian? After all, Brian did tell her to have a fling or two while she was on vacation! But what happens when feelings and hormones collide? Can Kaysie trust her heart to stay on track? And how is she going to keep an eye on her mother and Troy's father--who just happens to be Mom's former summer romance? How did fun in the summer sun get so complicated, anyway?

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