Sunday 18 March 2012

Free at Amazon Sun. March 18

 Blood Hunt by Lee Killough

When San Francisco Homicide Inspector Garreth Mikaelian begins hunting a mysterious red-haired woman who appears involved in the murders of two out-of-town businessmen, he faces a killer unlike any he has investigated before. For unknown to him, Lane Barber is a vampire. When Garreth comes too close, she attacks him and turns him into a vampire, too. Now, even as he struggles to cope with this devastating change in his life without betraying to others what he has become, he is back on Lane’s trail...this time with a vengeance. But can he find her, and find a way to bring her to justice, before she decides to attack again, and this time finish him off?

Kicking Bots
Ancient Enemy Book Three by Vijaya Schartz

Dr. Melissa Campbell, head researcher at the San Francisco Center for Disease Control, asks an eminent colleague for help to protect her precious vaccine, one that could end the deadly alien plague. She didn't expect to get a crazy renegade like Bennett Sevastian for a bodyguard. She hates military types, and this genetically enhanced super-soldier is pure testosterone, hot-headed, quick-tempered, impulsive, impatient, and downright impossible. But these are dangerous times with riots in the streets, and rumors of alien invasion. In a breathless race against time, experience the decisive battle for humankind, one that will decide whether Earth belongs to humanity, or to a powerful alien race... 

"The third book in Vijaya Schartz’s Ancient Enemy series  begins with a bang and keeps the fireworks coming.  As much as Melissa and Bennett try to fight their feelings for each other, it is too strong for them to deny.  Can they override their programming in time to save the human race?" ~ Sensual Reads - 4.5 stars – Sultry

"... Bennett. Sexy, balls to the walls Bennett. Ladies man, his own military militia and a devilish sense of humor. ...A sensational and fantastical alternate universe was painted and laid out for me with every wondrous word. I really enjoyed being taken away into the lives of the characters as they wove their way through imminent death, every lie and betrayal, every scary new path they took on their journey to get to the truth and save the world as they knew it." ~ Book Junkie - 4 stars

"I really enjoyed this book. Even though I hadn't read the previous two... I have always been interested in the mysterious disappearance of the Anasazi and this story nicely filled in the blanks... exceptionally well written. I am definitely going to have to find the previous books and check them out as well." ~ The Romance Studio - 5 hearts - rated very sensual 

Deadly Betrayal by Jude Pittman

Jude Pittman returns with another book in her popular Indian Creek Texas series, more sensual, more mysterious, Deadly Betrayal will keep you glued to your seat.

"DEADLY BETRAYAL is a fabulous mixture of Texas humor, heart-pounding action, sexy nuances and mounting suspense. There's plenty of excitement, plenty of intrigue, a local flavor to tickle the toughest of taste buds and a good serving of hot, steamy romance to titillate the senses. I found the main characters in this contemporary murder mystery artfully created and surprisingly colorful. Kelly is relentlessness personified and his sweet, Texan manners made him very endearing to this reader. Stella is a sassy firecracker, fun to follow. I am quite sure that reading the first book in the series would behoove someone wanting a full appreciation of the characters and their back story. And, having read this offering, the third book will be much anticipated. A realistic and immensely satisfying story!" ~ Heather, Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More



Eppie Winner ~ Best Thriller


Raised in an atmosphere of violence and unpredictability, Ellen and Gail Morgan have banded together, survivors of a booze-fertilized battleground, forming a fierce united front against an often cold and uncaring world. When their parents are killed in a car crash, Ellen becomes the mother figure for Gail.

When fifteen years later Gail is brutally raped and murdered in her shabby New York basement apartment, practically on the eve of her big breakthrough as a singer, Ellen is inconsolable. Rage at her younger sister's murder has nearly consumed her. So when her work as a psychologist wins her an appearance on the evening news, Ellen seizes the moment. Staring straight into the camera, she challenges the killer to come out of hiding: "Why don't you come after me? I'll be waiting for you."

Phone calls flood the station, but all leads go nowhere. The police investigation seems doomed to failure. Then it happens: a note, written in red ink, slipped under the windshield wipers of her car, 'YOU'RE IT.' Ellen has stirred the monster in his lair … and the hunter has become the hunted!

"Joan Hall Hovey hits another one out of the park with NOWHERE TO HIDE. The Canadian Mistress of Suspense brings her readers another taut, psychological, page-turner. This is an incredible read that will keep you up well past your bedtime late at night. It did to me. A book that is very hard to put down. After reading Hovey's CHILL WATERS and LISTEN TO THE SHADOWS, I thought these would be almost impossible to top. But Hovey does it. This is her best yet. I'd give it 6 stars if I could. The author has a remarkable ability to turn up the heat on the suspense. With great characterizations and dialogue, Hovey writes clearly and concisely with short chapters (a feature I really like) that prompts the reader to keep on turning pages. After fanning the flames of suspense, she ends the book ends with a fiery climax. Overall, a very satisfying read. Don't miss this one. I look forward to reading her latest, Night Corridor, now also available on Kindle." ~ James A. Anderson, Author of DEADLINE

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