Tuesday 6 March 2012

Free at Amazon Tuesday March 6

Flames of Prophecy by Jude Pittman

Lady Marta is born to a noble family. She grows up in a country manor like any other lady, but she has a secret bloodline--she is sole heir to the throne of Moldavia. Driven out by the Turks, her father took refuge in England as a young man. Here he married and lived quietly, hoping to escape his enemies. There is more than royalty in Marta's background, however, there is magic, too, for she descends from seers. As she matures it becomes clear she too has the "gift" (or perhaps, "curse") of foresight. This is respected in the East, but in England prophecy is dangerous, for it is connected with witchcraft.

As Marta grows to womanhood, every day is filled with danger. First, Turkish assassins, who want the last Christian heir to the Moldavian throne dead, stalk her. Then the handsome, worldly Russian prince who is contracted to marry her arrives with a jealous, murderous lover in tow. When King Henry, the family's protector, dies, his unstable daughter Mary comes to the throne. Queen Mary dislikes Marta and is eager to burn all heretics and "witches." Written in a colorful romantic style, Flames of Prophecy is a fast read, with an engaging, strong heroine and plenty of action. How Marta manages to survive all her trials and to--perhaps--found a line of prophets in the English countryside--makes an intriguing, unusual story.

Native American Recipes by John Wisdomkeeper

Gifts from the Grandmothers. Recipes gathered from elders by John WisdomKeeper during his journeys written about in the WisdomKeeper Collection and Metis Travels, includes herbal remedies, their uses and preparation instructions.

"I highly recommend this book. I wish I could donate some money to the author. Perhaps I will purchase another book of his, just to recognize his efforts." ~ cej102937, Amazon Reader and Verified Purchase

~ Find John's titles here 

Hallow House - Part Two by Jane Toombs

A house built for love and cursed with death. Two children, one will live, one will die. Magic potions and secret rooms. Is there a curse or does evil reside with innocence. What is the real secret of Hallow House?

Cachet by Shannah Biondine

Falsely implicated in a capital crime, American Rachel Cordell needs a safe place to hide while her father tries to clear her name. She goes to visit her aunt in England, where by twist of fate she is offered the perfect answer her prayers…a position working in the obscure village of Crowshaven in Yorkshire.

Morgan Tremayne expected his partner to hire a sedate, pliable young fellow to serve as their company clerk. Instead Boyd returns from London with a damned female in tow. A damned Colonial female, with luminous dark eyes, lush tresses, and a most irritating tendency to contradict Morgan at almost every turn. She’s clearly intelligent, but shares almost nothing about herself or her life prior to arriving in England.

Attraction grows between them along with grudging mutual admiration, but everything is thrown into turmoil when Rachel suddenly claims she must return to America. Her father is gravely ill. Morgan insists her country is gravely ill and headed toward outright civil war. His business contacts in Atlantic shipping and trade assure him this is no time for travel to the States, but Rachel will not be dissuaded. She’s adamant about making the perilous voyage, despite sea lanes rife with privateers, blockade runners, and hardened mercenaries, not to mention what she may be facing once she reaches American shores.

Morgan sees no choice but to go along and marry her at sea, placing himself squarely in the eye of a different storm. For he has no idea who the woman is he’s abruptly taken to wife, and as they will both discover, some secrets are dangerous to keep…but potentially lethal once revealed. Can two lovers from opposite shores weather the treacherous waters and somehow find peace together?

Family Ties by Jamie Hill

With a couple of dead bodies thrown in, Detective Brady Marshall's stolen goods case has just become a lot more interesting. His love life takes a turn for the better when he meets Gina Morris, a feisty waitress at the club where the latest victim has surfaced. A happily unattached ladies' man, Brady isn't looking to settle down. But after meeting the beautiful Italian spitfire, his thoughts are shifting in that direction.

Gina Morris doesn't date cops. Until she meets Brady, that is, and gets won over by his dogged persistence and winning smile. With things in her past that are best left unspoken, Gina hesitates to get too close, but can't resist the handsome detective's charm. When his case runs smack dab into her past life, both of them are forced to make choices they never dreamed possible in an attempt to salvage their relationship, and possibly even save their lives.

"Family Ties started out with a bang and kept me on my toes throughout the entire book. Ms. Hill did an outstanding job with the plotline, and I was literally biting my nails the entire time I was reading. I couldn't put this fast paced, action packed book down. I HAD to find out what happened next. It was addicting. Ms. Hill has a gift of hooking the reader and not letting go until the very last word. And even then, there was a description of Family Secrets (the first book in the series). It's now on my HAVE TO BUY list. So let me just leave you with this one suggestion. You really want to go out and buy this book. It's a 114 page book that is filled with every emotion you can think of. You won't want to miss this one. Ms. Hill is an author to watch." ~ Val, You Gotta Read Reviews, 5 Stars

Fantasy Quest by Tina Gerow

Astiria Petrey wants nothing more than to lay on a sandy beach reading a good book at the exclusive Fantasy resort. Pestered by dumb jocks in tight shorts, Astiria decides to play the hotel's role-playing computer game - Fantasy Quest. Only the game is more than she could ever imagine!

As soon as Astiria creates her perfect man--an online Warrior named Lerik, she is sucked through a portal to the mythical Verrath to meet him.  There, Astiria must do battle against a host of trials.   

If she is unable to succeed, Astiria becomes property of Marsoon, the Goblin King.

Accompanied by a real live gargoyle named Max, and Lerik, the sexy warrior she created from her wildest fantasies, Astiria must discover herself in order to not only win the game, but make her way back home.

Only then can she realize that true love awaits, if only she believes. . .

Golden Chances Book 4 - The Rebel
Two powerful California Families

A Multi-Generational Saga from Confederation to the 20th Century
Don't miss

the Burwashs and the Gabaldons
The Truths, the Legends

Golden Chances

~ Find Jane's titles here


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