Monday 12 March 2012

ARC Review: Born to Darkness by Suzanne Brockmann

Born to DarknessBorn to Darkness by Suzanne Brockmann
Hardcover, 528 pages
Expected publication: March 20th 2012 by Ballantine Books                         

My rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

As the New York Times bestselling author of the Troubleshooters series and a “superstar of romantic suspense” (USA Today), Suzanne Brockmann has an acclaimed history of taking readers’ breath away with her novels of hot passion and high adventure. Now she takes her talent for sexy, action-packed storytelling in a thrilling new direction: forward—into a future, both fantastic and frightening, that only the brilliant Brockmann could envision.

Dishonorably discharged, former Navy SEAL Shane Laughlin is down to his last ten bucks when he finally finds work as a test subject at the Obermeyer Institute, a little-known and believed-to-be-fringe scientific research facility. When he enters the OI compound, he is plunged into a strange world where seemingly mild-mannered scientists—including women half his size—can kick his highly skilled ass.

Shane soon discovers that there are certain individuals who possess the unique ability to access untapped regions of the brain with extraordinary results—including telekinesis, super strength, and reversal of the aging process. Known as “Greater-Thans,” this rare breed is recruited by OI, where they are rigorously trained using ancient techniques to cultivate their powers and wield them responsibly.

But in the depths of America’s second Great Depression, where the divide between the haves and the have-nots has grown even wider, those who are rich—and reckless—enough have a quick, seductive alternative: Destiny, a highly addictive designer drug that can make anyone a Greater-Than, with the power of eternal youth. The sinister cartel known as The Organization has begun mass-producing Destiny, and the demand is epidemic. But few realize the drug’s true danger, and fewer still know the dirty secret of Destiny’s crucial ingredient.

Michelle “Mac” Mackenzie knows the ugly truth. And as one of the Obermeyer Institute’s crack team of operatives, she’s determined to end the scourge of Destiny. But her kick-ass attitude gets knocked for a loop when she finds that one of the new test subjects is none other than Shane, the same smoldering stranger who just rocked her world in a one-night stand. Although Shane isn’t a Greater-Than like Mac, as an ex-SEAL, he’s got talents of his own. But Mac’s got powerful reasons to keep her distance from him—and reasons that are just as strong to want him close. She’s used to risking her life, but now, in the midst of the ultimate war on drugs, she must face sacrificing her heart.

I won this book on GoodReads FirstReads!

I was so excited, because come on, this cover looks pretty bad ass! I'm asshamed to say, this was my first Suzanne Brockmann.

If this book wasn't so long and intricate, one would say the synopsis says too much. At first glance it looks like a mini story all in it self. Because of this, I didn't read it until after I finished the book.

Let me just say, "WOW, what an emotional ride!"

This book was able to create a Dystopia world jam packed all the elements of a thriller. This book is not for the faint at heart. This book contains:

--> romance, suspense, and action.
--> more than a couple steamy love scenes
--> strong content on the issues of child sexual trama
--> drugs and violence.
--> a little M/M Romance

The story centers around the Obermeyer Institute' s task force of humans possessing supernatural powers. I'm not going to lie, this story was like the X-Men for the more mature crowd.

In the end, this was a book, I will not soon forget. When it ended almost everyone had a happy ended excepet one of my favorite characters. I plan to read the next book to see if things are improved.

Available @ Barnes and Noble | Amazon

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite celebrity "red carpet" clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

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