Friday 30 March 2012

Free at Amazon Friday March 30

The Last Cowboy in Texas by Pat Dale

Words mean things. And Paige Turner (yes, that’s her real name), should know that better than anyone. Associate editor of the Flanders Herald, she’s buried herself in word-smithing for the better part of a decade as she labors at her father’s newspaper. But when she unleashes some well-deserved but incendiary words for her former boyfriend, she unwittingly sets into motion a chain of events that will change her life forever.

Troy Roberts has assumed control of his dad’s real estate business in this sleepy little suburb of Branson. With youthful exuberance, he tackles the formidable but rewarding task of turning some of Stone County’s pristine hills into sites for mansions worthy of the musical elite who inhabit the southern Missouri showbiz Mecca. One small problem; some woman scientist claims to have discovered endangered species on his property. Between Agatha Kingfisher’s environmental zeal and Paige’s fiery tongue, Troy may have bitten off more than he can chew.

Oh, yes, those infamous words: “Troy Roberts, I wouldn’t go to bed with you if you were the last cowboy in Texas!” Well, we’ll see about that…

Red Magic by Juliet Waldron

Red-headed Caterina von Velsen, a tomboy and superb horsewoman, detests her older sister's husband-to-be.  Christoph von Hagen is handsome and brave, but he is also a Casanova, a man with a reputation that stretches from his mountain manor all the way to Vienna.  When Caterina’s older sister dies in a riding accident only a week before her wedding, Caterina is forced to take her place. She now belongs to a man she firmly believes to be “a cold-hearted rake.”

There is magic in Christoph’s lonely mountain home, as well as in the locket Caterina’s aunt gave her long ago.  Misunderstandings and preconceptions hinder the coming of true love, as well as the strange attraction she feels toward her husband’s magnetic, foreign horse master. Set in 18th Century Germany, RED MAGIC tells the story of a young woman’s transition from rebellious girl to adored--and adoring--wife.  

~ Find this title here

Carousel by Barbara Baldwin

Jaci Eastman is inadvertently drawn through time to 1874 when she photographs a restored carousel. She lands at Wildwood horse farm and must rely on the good graces of its owner, Nicholas Westbrooke.

Nicholas is a man who likes routine, but Jaci unwittingly shatters his illusions about women, passion and love. She tells stories of flying machines and teaches science to his niece. She's outrageous in her dress, manners and language, and yet he finds her irresistible.

Jaci has always believed only reality can be photographed. But then she falls in love with Nicholas. When he begins carving the exact horse that transported her through time, will she use it to return to the present, or stay and create a new reality?

"Wow. Double Wow! Carousel is an outstanding book…I loved that when the passion got intense between the two, Nicholas never forgot his honor as a gentleman with Jaci." ~ Cheryl, 5 Angels and Recommended Read by Fallen Angel Reviews

"Barbara Baldwin just put another keeper on my bookshelf. Jaci is independent and just what the strong, sexy, and oh so enticing Nicholas needs. I loved this book! Sexy and the romance is steeped deep so that you fall in love with her characters and can't help but cheer for them." ~Simply Romance Reviews

Thirteen West by Jane Toombs

Ever been inside a state psychiatric hospital?  That's an experience Sarah Goodrow Fenz had hoped never to repeat.  Years ago, as a young woman, she'd been a student nurse taking her psychiatric affiliation at the state hospital.  Now, matured and affluent enough, with an adult daughter by her side, Sarah is suddenly compelled to pick up a drunken derelict off the streets of San Diego and take him to a motel. Leaving her daughter standing speechless in the street, Sarah hails a cab, shoves the derelict inside and rides away. Compelling, horrifying and too real to ignore, Thirteen West.  Can love bloom in the midst of horror?

Cultural Alternatives to Drug and Alcohol Addiction by John Wisdomkeeper

In traditional times the problems of Native Youth were of great concern to the entire tribe. The Youth were the hope of the future and their instruction was overseen by wise and loving Elders.

Drugs and alcohol destroy the body, mind and spirit and make a mockery of the Sundance. The Sundance is an ancient ritual that pays tribute to mother earth and the four seasons.

Sundancers represent the courage, strength and stamina of our people, and in these modern times they are a strong statement of the determination of our Nation not to be destroyed but to rebuild in strength and unity.

Native youth are a vital part of our Vision for the future. Drugs and alcohol destroy that Vision.

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