Thursday 8 March 2012

Free at Amazon Thurs. March 8

Embezzled Love by Ginger Simpson
Seems everywhere she looks lonely divorcee, Cassie Fremont, sees advertisements claiming to help find her true love…the man of her dreams.  With visions of a fairy tale romance, she follows the link in a SPAM message and joins an online dating service.  Imagine her surprise when 'he' responds to her profile with toe-tingling interest.  Will the Texas heartthrob be the answer to her prayers, or is she about to book a ride on the roller coaster from hell? 

"Based on the true story of the author's sister, this novel builds tension as it goes. It grips the reader and throws them into a whirlwind of emotion from anger to joy and everything in between. It is a powerful book of vulnerability and strength, family loyalty versus true love. A must read for every woman." ~ Mirella Patzer, Historical Author
"Based on a true story, “Embezzled Love” by Ginger Simpson shows you the story of Cassie. . .a woman who yearns for someone to love her. She tries an internet dating site and meets a smooth talking cowboy named Evan. Despite her family's objections she allows Evan to move in with her and start a business with her. Follow the love story as Cassie learns that not everyone is as they seem.  
I found this story to be an engaging story and the characters very believable. In this high tech age we need a reminder that not everybody is good and decent and we need to have our guard up in the faceless world of the internet." ~ Carol Langstroth, Mind Fog Reviews

~ Find Ginger's titles here 

The Fisherman's Daughter by Sydell Voeller

Psychology professor Vanessa Paris receives word that her father has disappeared from his fishing boat in Puget Sound and rushes to her childhood home in the San Juan Islands to try to help find him. Tragedy has been no stranger to Vanessa--years ago her mother died and more recently, her brother. The possibility of losing her father now is almost too much to bear.
But when Vanessa arrives at the family owned tourist lodge, she meets Lowell Maxwell, who offers to help her search for her father. Back in high school, Vanessa harbored a secret, unrequited crush on Lowell. Now, he's a tough, jaded cop on leave from L.A., working for her father as a carpenter on a temporary basis, and even more dangerously appealing. 

Vanessa and Lowell are like sunshine and darkness. Despite her losses, she focuses on positive action and the good in people. Lowell, however, chases down the bad guys, flirts with danger, sometimes even death--and he's determined he'll soon return to the force in L.A.  

Is there still a chance of finding Vanessa's father alive and well? Can she take a chance on loving Lowell, risking the possibility of his dying too? And what is the dark secret that has driven him back home, a secret that has convinced him there's no longer any room in his heart for love?  
"Sydell Voeller has a magic touch with description.  I could almost feel the sea spray misting my face as Vanessa Paris sailed across Puget Sound and hear the splash of water as the crab pots were hauled in and the day's catch tallied.  Oh, yes, and the rustic mailboxes with wild blackberries growing nearby.  What a lovely place to live.  And I got to visit there for a while." ~- Kathy Ishcomer, Under the Covers Book Reviews 

Trusting Evil by Mary Leo

In the summer of 1966, Richard Franklin Speck, a twenty-two year old Ordinary Seaman, waiting for a berth aboard a merchant ship, murdered eight student nurses inside a townhouse in South Chicago, shocking the surrounding hardworking, religious community to its very core. 
Twenty years later, Carly Rocket and her business partner, Mike, find themselves inside Stateville Correctional Facility hired to cast extras for a Hollywood movie. Unbeknownst to her, Speck is one of Stateville’s inmates. His infamous murders took place only blocks from her childhood home leaving her with deep emotional wounds. Discovering that Speck is enjoying his life behind bars, Carly is outraged and conspires with a guard to make a video tape of Speck’s uninhibited life in an attempt to change prison regulations. But it backfires, and suddenly Carly finds herself in danger of becoming Speck’s ninth victim.

"Trusting Evil is a very different kind of suspense novel, a true original, revolving around the heinous crimes of one Richard Speck who tortured, raped and murdered 8 student nurses on July 14, 1966, in Chicago. Speck had Born to Raise Hell tattoed on his arm. All of that is true. Every word. And what is fictional in the novel rings true as well. This is a heartfelt, inspired novel written by Mary Leo, who lived in that time, very near to where it all happened.

Carly Rockett was a young girl, in love with Ringo Star and living the normal life of a teenager when the crimes occurred, and changed her life forever. She is haunted by the brutal murders throughout the rest of her childhood and into adulthood. She is traumatized by what she perceives as her own part in what happened. Only whiskey can fog the horrid memories, and not even then. She is obsessed by Richard Speck. Her life is spiralling downword fast. Carly works in the movie business, and one day finds herself filming a movie inside the very prison where Richard Franklin Speck, in all his ugliness, lives quite happily. Leo portrays with a chilling vividness scenes that make you want to look away, though you cannot.

The prose is fast moving, and as spare as Hemingway’s. The dialogue brilliant, the descriptions and sensory details, always just enough to pull the reader into the story and hold them fast until the last word. It’s more than that, though. It’s also a love story. I promise you, you won’t be able to put Trusting Evil down, and, like Carly, you’ll be haunted by this gripping story long after you’ve read the last word.

Highly recommended." ~ Joan Hall Hovey, Author

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