Sunday 25 March 2012

Free at Amazon Sunday March 25

Love in a Small Town by Betty Jo Schuler

It's late June when Sam Champion drives into an Illinois town and sees a "Grow Browning" billboard, with the population, 3653, in changeable numbers, like those on a scoreboard. Sam, an Arizona professor, wants to sell the house he inherited, fast, and return to Arizona, for a prestigious promotion. Lily Madison, his red-haired neighbor is an accident-waiting-to-happen, but beautiful, determined, and smart, she has other plans for Sam and Browning. Lily brightens Sam's life, but he doesn't realize how much until he tries to walk away.

"Against the backdrop of a tender love story, the author depicts a realistic commentary of a small town in the Midwest, struggling to maintain its identity. A small town Indiana at its best. The Hoosier author introduces you to real people, who can become good friends. This romance warms the heart and leaves you wanting more." ~ Best Books of Indiana, Fiction Judges

Cachet by Shannah Biondine

Falsely implicated in a capital crime, American Rachel Cordell needs a safe place to hide while her father tries to clear her name. She goes to visit her aunt in England, where by twist of fate she is offered the perfect answer her prayers…a position working in the obscure village of Crowshaven in Yorkshire.

Morgan Tremayne expected his partner to hire a sedate, pliable young fellow to serve as their company clerk. Instead Boyd returns from London with a damned female in tow. A damned Colonial female, with luminous dark eyes, lush tresses, and a most irritating tendency to contradict Morgan at almost every turn. She’s clearly intelligent, but shares almost nothing about herself or her life prior to arriving in England.
Attraction grows between them along with grudging mutual admiration, but everything is thrown into turmoil when Rachel suddenly claims she must return to America. Her father is gravely ill. Morgan insists her country is gravely ill and headed toward outright civil war. His business contacts in Atlantic shipping and trade assure him this is no time for travel to the States, but Rachel will not be dissuaded. She’s adamant about making the perilous voyage, despite sea lanes rife with privateers, blockade runners, and hardened mercenaries, not to mention what she may be facing once she reaches American shores.

Morgan sees no choice but to go along and marry her at sea, placing himself squarely in the eye of a different storm. For he has no idea who the woman is he’s abruptly taken to wife, and as they will both discover, some secrets are dangerous to keep…but potentially lethal once revealed. Can two lovers from opposite shores weather the treacherous waters and somehow find peace together?

Deadly Secrets by Jude Pittman

Welcome to the world of Indian Creek, Texas, where you'll meet some of the most amazing characters to ever grace the pages of fiction. Kelly McWinter, a retired cop who has sought out a simpler life in Indian Creek while trying to put a personal tragedy behind him. Kelly's dog, Jake, a German Shepherd who has fought some battles of his own and is still the best partner a man could ever hope for. Anna Davis, an old woman hiding from her past whose secrets come back to haunt her.
"Kelly McWinter is a former Fort Worth police officer who suffered a personal tragedy that caused him to quit the force and isolate himself in the community of Indian Creek, Texas. Kelly is the Clint Eastwood, John Wayne type of man who makes everyone feel safe. The characters at Indian Creek are so unique and eccentric that readers and reviewers alike have fallen in love with the regulars who frequent Cam Belcher’s Hideaway Bar and Barbecue.  

DEADLY SECRETS has enough bends and splinters to throw a reader into a quandary trying to figure out who is the guilty party. It was certainly a surprise to me. Jude Pittman has created a taut, sad, well-written story that keeps everyone guessing. She has a style suited to telling suspense stories. If you are in the mood for a whodunit, I recommend DEADLY SECRETS.” ~ Romance Reviews Today
~ Find Jude's titles here 

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