Friday 16 March 2012

Free at Amazon Friday March 16

A Metis Traveler on the Red Road
by John Wisdomkeeper

The circle of life embraces the spirit, giving strength and wisdom to help the brothers and sisters carry on with daily life. The Death Wish circle is a refuge for those who have given up on life. Here the spirits who come to visit are those held betwixt life and death, waiting for release... 

~ Find John's titles here

Aftershock by Lee Killough

It would be logical for the culture of a distant planet unconnected to Humans to be...well...alien. A different social and family structure, different legal system, different religion. But maybe some things aren’t that alien: war, politics...murder.

A natural disaster like an earthquake would seem to be perfect cover for murder. But the murder is discovered, with the prime suspect a member of a family allied to Emperor Benamea Haneem. Lord Edo Ishda, brother to the Emperor, must discover the truth and see justice done in a situation where every solution threatens to be political dynamite for the Emperor.

How to Survive a Summer Romance (or Two) by Ann Herrick

Can Kaysie have a summer romance with Troy and still remain true to Brian? After all, Brian did tell her to have a fling or two while she was on vacation! But what happens when feelings and hormones collide? Can Kaysie trust her heart to stay on track? And how is she going to keep an eye on her mother and Troy's father--who just happens to be Mom's former summer romance? How did fun in the summer sun get so complicated, anyway?

Hope Falls Season 3: Dragons Cove by Jamieson Wolf

Things only become more bizarre when Miriam Parker returns, three years of secrets in her mind....

Dragons Cove

Erin, Susan and Miriam want answers. 

They know that the final showdown between them and Howard’s Hope Falls empire is coming and the clock is ticking. To find the answers they need, they head to the mysterious Dragon’s Cove.
Derrick, unsure of who he loves, must find a way to choose between Susan, his second love and Miriam, his first. He wants answers too; it his rumored that his parents also died at the hands of Howard Kowalski and he wants to find out why. His parent’s death shaped his past and the answers he seeks may shape his future.
Erin needs answers more than anyone. She has been followed and watched for years. To what purpose? What game is Howard playing with her? Thankfully, Madder is there to give her support. And when love blooms, they can do nothing but succumb to the passion between them.

But in Dragon’s Cove, passion can lead to disaster. For the answers they seek may just be their undoing. . .


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