Tuesday 31 January 2012

Now available: Fantasy Quest by Tina Gerow

Astiria Petrey wants nothing more than to lay on a sandy beach reading a good book at the exclusive Fantasy resort. Pestered by dumb jocks in tight shorts, Astiria decides to play the hotel's role-playing computer game - Fantasy Quest. Only the game is more than she could ever imagine!  

As soon as Astiria creates her perfect man--an online Warrior named Lerik, she is sucked through a portal to the mythical Verrath to meet him.  There, Astiria must do battle against a host of trials.  
If she is unable to succeed, Astiria becomes property of Marsoon, the Goblin King.  

Accompanied by a real live gargoyle named Max, and Lerik, the sexy warrior she created from her wildest fantasies, Astiria must discover herself in order to not only win the game, but make her way back home.  

Only then can she realize that true love awaits, if only she believes. . . 

Portfolio Update: Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum

I'm super excited.  I have the results from the Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum photoshoot.  For those of you who've been following the making of these garments and emailed kind words, thank you so much for the encouragement.

Model: Tessa
MUA: Suzanne
Hair: Tessa & Suzanne
Clothing designer: Kindred Dreamheart
Photographer: Amber Renée Photography

Model: Tessa
MUA: Suzanne
Hair: Tessa & Suzanne
Clothing designer: Kindred Dreamheart
Photographer: Amber Renée Photography

Model: Tessa
MUA: Suzanne
Hair: Tessa & Suzanne
Clothing designer: Kindred Dreamheart
Photographer: Amber Renée Photography
You can see more great pictures on my facebook fan page and at http://www.k-d3.com/. (Please respect my work.  This is copyright protected.)

Here's the post that contain the making of these garments:
About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

Free at Amazon Tuesday Jan. 31

Alien Lockdown by Vijaya Schartz

The year is 3033, and deep in the bowels of the underground galactic prison, something has gone terribly wrong. An artist at heart, Rhonda never wanted this medic prison job. When the civilian personnel vanish and an earthquake damages the nuclear reactor, she must go down to repair it with Captain Perfect himself, Cole Riggeur, who always plays by the rules and never trusted a woman in his life. But deep in the underground penitentiary, the most wicked convicts in the Galaxy are loose, and a treacherous shape-shifter plans his revenge. Disconnected from the Garrison, against impossible odds, Cole and Rhonda now face their greatest challenge... trusting each other in order to survive.

"Packed with tension and action from the first page to the last, Schartz's novel is an exciting adventure. She has a rich imagination and deftly executes it." ~ Romantic Times Magazine

"Vijaya Schartz takes the reader on a thrill ride. Between the prisoners, earthquakes and lava flows, Cole and Rhonda work together to survive. Can they get back to the surface before the planet explodes? Will they find a way to get off the planet? Will they give in to their feelings for each other? Read the book and find out." ~ Candy - Ecataromance -  4 1/2 stars – sensuous

"...suspenseful, gripping saga of survival, betrayal, and hope...the resourcefulness and courage that occurs when a person refuses to admit defeat and die." ~ Dena - Fallen Angel Reviews - 5 Angels 

"The action reminded me of an INDIANA JONES movie and the romance was equally intense." ~ Paranormal Romance Reviews

"Why ISN'T this book on the NYT Bestseller] list?" ~ Action Girl - Amazon Reviews  5 Stars rating

"...the fantastic anticipation only a ticking bomb can generate, I was enthralled from page one" ~  4 Stars  Ecataromance - Reviewed by Lynn Lowe

"...kept me on the edge of my desk chair, completely mesmerized by the non-stop action and suspense...I recommend "Alien Lockdown" to anybody, and everybody." ~ 5 Stars rating - Phoenix Forrester - Realms Of Love

"...an Action filled sequence from start to finish."  ~ Tami Brad, TCM reviews and BookIdea.com

"To be honest with you Alien Lockdown is not my type of book; but when I started reading it I had to finish it before I could put it down. I look forward to reading something else of yours." ~ Tammy Kelley, Romance Junkies 4.5 blue ribbons

"...this book will appeal to men and women alike." ~ Beverly Forehand - Round Table Reviews

"...a super entertaining read. Wow! I cannot wait for the next one! Can you write faster?" ~ Annie Bonneau - Canadian Review

Friends Forever by Maryann Miller

Eppie Awards Finalist

Debbie Webly is terrified that she will lose Laura to the influence of Angie who is rich, beautiful, and the most popular girl in school. There’s not much Debbie won’t do to hang on to her friend, but will she cross some line that she can never come back from?

And what about Brad?  Does she even stand a chance with him?

The challenges mount when Debbie is tempted to commit social suicide by taking up for Stephanie who is even more of an outcast than she is. When Angie makes a surprising move, Debbie finds out that true friendship is based on much more than looks or popularity.

“FRIENDS FOREVER beautifully captures the pain and confusion of early adolescence. Young readers will identify with Debbie and her friends. Older readers will remember and smile. It is a delightful book. I highly recommend it.” - Four and a half stars, Carrie S. Masek, Sharpwriter Reviews   
“Ms. Miller captures the trials and tribulations of 13 year-olds very easily. She talks their lingo and keeps the book interesting with enough twists and surprises to keep younger readers turning the pages to the very end.” - Pam Stone, Myshelf Reviews

“Miller’s book accomplishes what few others in this genre do. She effectively combines humor, true life feelings, and interesting dialogue in a novel about peer pressure.” ~ Aimee McLeod, Wordweaving Reviews

No Rain, No Rainbows by Betty Jo Schuler

Laugh, love, and cry with these girls in their teens. Slip into their lives and experience the ups and downs. If the sun smiles upon a rain shower, a rainbow appears. Without challenges, there would be no triumphs. Without rain, there would be no rainbows. These girls meet challenges with determination and triumph.

"This book could be very helpful to any teen, whatever the situation. A young girl reading this book might realize the importance of making correct choices because it’s written by someone her age. If No Rain, No Rainbows, helps one young person it would be well worth the read.  

I feel the author captures the attention of young ladies by the topics in this book, as well as the publisher in the book cover. The front cover makes you want to take a look at the book to see what it is about, and the books chapters spike interest because of the different topics. I recommend this book not only to all pre-teen and teen girls but their parents as well. There is a lot of information as well as wisdom in this fiction book, and it is a great read, too!" ~ Manic Readers, 4 Stars

Monday 30 January 2012

Now available: Safe Haven by Renee Simons

Waging war on the mob may not be smart, but Jordan VanDien and architect Ethan Caldwell are after the men who, years earlier, destroyed Jordan's family and now threaten Ethan's future. Scarred by childhood trauma, the two loners never expected to battle an unwanted attraction. Yet hard as they try to fight their feelings, a common purpose and shared danger ignite a spark that grows to a flame neither can deny.  In their quest for justice, will they let that fire die or can the beauty with a dark past and the guilt-laden Aussie transplant find a haven in each other's arms?

Free at Amazon Monday Jan. 30

The Taste of Magic by Gina Rosavin

Adrian du Lac is not your average vampire. Nearly two-thousand years old, he uses immortality to his advantage. Though he lives the life of a successful European businessman, what he really wants is to rule the world.

Originally, he sought Katerina Romanov for her latent powers of witchcraft, but now that she’s come of age, his desires have changed. When Katerina succumbs to Adrian’s charms, some fear the vampire will become invincible. As du Lac’s enemies set out to destroy him once and for all, he and Katerina run the risk of losing each other forever.

"The Taste of Magic is one of the best books I have read in a long time. Gina Rosavin hooked me from the first page of the book and never let me go until the end. I was totally entertained by the by the see-saw motion of Adrian and Katerina relationship. The Taste of Magic is full of wonderful characters that are not what they seem on the surface, a wonderful plot. The story is full of action, intrigue, laughs and very hot sex scenes." ~ Fallen Angels Reviews: Recommended Read

"Gina Rosavin pens a well-crafted story that this reader thoroughly enjoyed. The dialogue is excellent, the passion intense, and the characters remarkably fashioned. With powerful wizards, vampires, and witches spells, this enchanting tale has about everything to please the reader. Bravo to Ms. Rosavin for an extraordinary read.” ~ The Romance Studio: 5 Stars
High Maintenance by Jamie Hill

Deidre North is enjoying a ski vacation with her family after Christmas, when an accident sidelines her from the slopes with a cast on her leg. She's depressed about spending another New Year's Eve alone, until she meets the lodge's handsome maintenance man. Rick Beaufort is good with his hands, but is he smooth enough to convince this high maintenance woman to take a chance on him? 

Review: Dearly, Departed by Lia Habel

Dearly, DepartedDearly, Departed by Lia Habel

My rating: ♥♥♥♥❥

Love can never die.
Love conquers all, so they say. But can Cupid’s arrow pierce the hearts of the living and the dead—or rather, the undead? Can a proper young Victorian lady find true love in the arms of a dashing zombie?

The year is 2195. The place is New Victoria—a high-tech nation modeled on the manners, mores, and fashions of an antique era. A teenager in high society, Nora Dearly is far more interested in military history and her country’s political unrest than in tea parties and debutante balls. But after her beloved parents die, Nora is left at the mercy of her domineering aunt, a social-climbing spendthrift who has squandered the family fortune and now plans to marry her niece off for money. For Nora, no fate could be more horrible—until she’s nearly kidnapped by an army of walking corpses.

But fate is just getting started with Nora. Catapulted from her world of drawing-room civility, she’s suddenly gunning down ravenous zombies alongside mysterious black-clad commandos and confronting “The Laz,” a fatal virus that raises the dead—and hell along with them. Hardly ideal circumstances. Then Nora meets Bram Griswold, a young soldier who is brave, handsome, noble . . . and dead. But as is the case with the rest of his special undead unit, luck and modern science have enabled Bram to hold on to his mind, his manners, and his body parts. And when his bond of trust with Nora turns to tenderness, there’s no turning back. Eventually, they know, the disease will win, separating the star-crossed lovers forever. But until then, beating or not, their hearts will have what they desire.

In Dearly, Departed, romance meets walking-dead thriller, spawning a madly imaginative novel of rip-roaring adventure, spine-tingling suspense, and macabre comedy that forever redefines the concept of undying love.

From the Hardcover edition.

I caught him stealing glances at me from across the room, and the sight of him took my breathe away. He slowly began to limp toward me and the way his right knee dipped a little every time he landed on that side was so gangsta. And then his nose hit the ground, and I was like "Guuuuuurrrrrl, that's gone be my baby daddy!" "What that's just a skin ailment. Pale, huh, he just don't get out that much. You just Jealous cause he the most popular guy in schooland he want me."

YES I judged this book long before I read it. NO need to worry, this IS NOT that kind of book.

I was given a copy of this book from Net Galley via the generous folks at Random House Publishing Group.

Throughout and by the end of this book I had so many emotions volleying for my attention, my most difficult challenge proved to be reiming it all in and forming my review in coherent sentences.

I was excited by the action. The fight scenes definitly had my upmost attention to the point where I've missed my stop on the train more than once and was late for work, hence giving me more time to read this awesome book. (Not complaining here....just stating a fact.) The settings and reforming of society in this Dystopia novel had me in awe. I heart Steampunk. There's something uniquely fasinating about it and the culture and lifestyle of this tale definitely put me in the mind of Steampunk. I appreciated the fact that this has not one, but two kick ass heroines! And the one you'ld least expect is the boldest. Nora was a little diappointing in that aspect. I wanted her to be more hard core bad-ass-ness. (Um, you know what I mean right?) I was horrified of this author's audasity to try and make a zombie the leading male in this romance. I'm so not completely sold. It was super sweet how it all played out. I'm embarrased to say, I found myself sighing alot and a tad bit jelious of Nora. If you're old enough to remember Family Matter, you'll understand when I say, Nora and Bram had a Laura/Steve Urkel kind of love. (At first he was so undesirable to the point of "EWWW", then he grows on you.) The villians were surprising when revealed and infuriating none the less. I was disappointed when it ended. I'm excited and impaitent to see what happens next.

If you're afraid to pick this up because of the ZOMBIE content, you're going to regret it. This is a very well written and darn almost believeable book. Well, it is, if you can get pass the whole walking dead thing.) There are decaying gross parts, but there's nothing too terrifying to give you nightmares. I rate this 4.5!

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

Sunday 29 January 2012

In My Mailbox # 8

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren.

I got these great books free via my B&N free Nook Downloads:

Mutiny (Mystyx, #2.5)The Strange Case of Finley Jayne (Steampunk Chronicles, #0.5)The Red ShoesSummer's Crossing (Iron Fey, #3.5)Retro Demonology (The Demon Trappers, #0.5)Remedial Magic (Faeriewalker, #0.5)Grey Eyes (The Forever Trilogy, #1)Fallen from Grace (Dark Mirror, #0.5)Beasts and BFFs (13 to Life, # 0.5)Angel Burn (Angel Trilogy, #1)Anathema (Causal Enchantment, #1)A Link to Twilight (an excerpt from Silent Hero)From the AshesZombies Don't Cry (A Living Dead Love Story)

Mutiny (Mystyx #2.5) by Artist Arthur
The Strange Case of Finley Jayne (Steampunk Chronicles 0.5) by Kady Cross
The Red Shoes by Bea Turvey
Summer's Crossing (Iron Fey #3.5) by Julie Kagawa
Retro Demonology (The Demon Trappers 0.5) by Jana Oliver
Remedial Magic (Faeriewalker 0.5) by Jenna Black
Grey Eyes (The Forever Trilogy #1) by B. Alston, Quinteria Ramey
Fallen from Grace (Dark Mirror 0.5) by M.J. Putney
Beasts and BFFs (13 to Life) by Shannon Delany
Angel Burn (Free Preview of Chapters 1-3)by L. A. Weatherly
Anathema (Causal Enchantment #1) by K.A. Tucker
A Link to Twilight (an excerpt from Silent Hero) by Christine E. Schulze
Tenth Grade Bleeds (The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod #3) by Heather Brewer
From the Ashes by Jeremy Burns
Zombies Don't Cry (A Living Dead Love Story) by Rusty Fischer

The following were given for review via the author:
Between The Land And The SeaThe Moon And The TideThe Fate of the Muse (Marina's Tales, #3)
Between The Land And The Sea (Marina's Tales, #1) by Derrolyn Anderson
The Moon And The Tide (Marina's Tales, #2) by Derrolyn Anderson
The Fate of the Muse (Marina's Tales, #3) by Derrolyn Anderson

So did you download any freebies?  What's in your mailbox?

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

Now available: Trusting Evil by Mary Leo

In the summer of 1966, Richard Franklin Speck, a twenty-two year old Ordinary Seaman, waiting for a berth aboard a merchant ship, murdered eight student nurses inside a townhouse in South Chicago, shocking the surrounding hardworking, religious community to its very core.  

Twenty years later, Carly Rocket and her business partner, Mike, find themselves inside Stateville Correctional Facility hired to cast extras for a Hollywood movie. Unbeknownst to her, Speck is one of Stateville’s inmates. His infamous murders took place only blocks from her childhood home leaving her with deep emotional wounds. Discovering that Speck is enjoying his life behind bars, Carly is outraged and conspires with a guard to make a video tape of Speck’s uninhibited life in an attempt to change prison regulations. But it backfires, and suddenly Carly finds herself in danger of becoming Speck’s ninth victim.

"Trusting Evil is a very different kind of suspense novel, a true original, revolving around the heinous crimes of one Richard Speck who tortured, raped and murdered 8 student nurses on July 14, 1966, in Chicago. Speck had Born to Raise Hell tattoed on his arm. All of that is true. Every word. And what is fictional in the novel rings true as well. This is a heartfelt, inspired novel written by Mary Leo, who lived in that time, very near to where it all happened.

Carly Rockett was a young girl, in love with Ringo Star and living the normal life of a teenager when the crimes occurred, and changed her life forever. She is haunted by the brutal murders throughout the rest of her childhood and into adulthood. She is traumatized by what she perceives as her own part in what happened. Only whiskey can fog the horrid memories, and not even then. She is obsessed by Richard Speck. Her life is spiralling downword fast. Carly works in the movie business, and one day finds herself filming a movie inside the very prison where Richard Franklin Speck, in all his ugliness, lives quite happily. Leo portrays with a chilling vividness scenes that make you want to look away, though you cannot.

The prose is fast moving, and as spare as Hemingway’s. The dialogue brilliant, the descriptions and sensory details, always just enough to pull the reader into the story and hold them fast until the last word. It’s more than that, though. It’s also a love story. I promise you, you won’t be able to put Trusting Evil down, and, like Carly, you’ll be haunted by this gripping story long after you’ve read the last word.

Highly recommended."

Joan Hall Hovey
Author of The Abduction of Mary Rose, Night Corridor, Chill Waters, Nowhere to Hide and Listen to the Shadows - Published by Books We Love Ltd.

Client Update: Mock Up # 4

Per photoshoot Feb 12,  This gown is 25% completed.  Garment construction will be completed NLT Wednesday.

This piece was constructed using  measurements, per measurements, of model  #2334171.


The next looks in this collection can be seen:

Look #1
Look # 2
Look # 3

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

Now available: Web of Smoke by Erin Quinn

Web of Smoke

A stranger in the house 
He came for her in the night--to that place where she felt most secure. For a brief instant, she was his, but somehow she escaped. Next time, she might not be so lucky. 

Everything changed for Christie McCoy when a madman brutally invaded and shattered her world. Now she will never feel safe until she knows who he is and why he wanted to hurt her. . .why he wanted her dead.  

Christie must venture into the shadows of her own life--terrified, vulnerable and alone--to unmask the dark assailant who 
destroyed her dreams and threatens her future....before he comes for her again...

Free at Amazon Sunday Jan. 29

Flames of Prophecy by Judith Pittman

Lady Marta is born to a noble family. She grows up in a country manor like any other lady, but she has a secret bloodline--she is sole heir to the throne of Moldavia. Driven out by the Turks, her father took refuge in England as a young man. Here he married and lived quietly, hoping to escape his enemies. There is more than royalty in Marta's background, however, there is magic, too, for she descends from seers. As she matures it becomes clear she too has the "gift" (or perhaps, "curse") of foresight. This is respected in the East, but in England prophecy is dangerous, for it is connected with witchcraft.

As Marta grows to womanhood, every day is filled with danger. First, Turkish assassins, who want the last Christian heir to the Moldavian throne dead, stalk her. Then the handsome, worldly Russian prince who is contracted to marry her arrives with a jealous, murderous lover in tow. When King Henry, the family's protector, dies, his unstable daughter Mary comes to the throne. Queen Mary dislikes Marta and is eager to burn all heretics and "witches." Written in a colorful romantic style, Flames of Prophecy is a fast read, with an engaging, strong heroine and plenty of action. How Marta manages to survive all her trials and to--perhaps--found a line of prophets in the English countryside--makes an intriguing, unusual story.

~ Find this title here

Family Secrets by Jamie Hill

As if stumbling over a dead body isn't enough, Crystal Cartwright finds herself playing surrogate mother to two small boys when their father--her neighbor--doesn't come home. The kids aren't much trouble, but the thieves, drug dealers and kidnappers they're about to encounter are.

Detective Jack Dunlevy, a cop down on his luck, draws the cases no one else wants. A simple investigation involving a dead homeless man quickly changes as Crystal enlists Jack's help with the children. Drawn into a mystery that none of them could have anticipated, they're faced with a situation that will change their lives forever.

"Ms. Hill is a genius! The plot line was AMAZING. It was action packed and kept me on the edge of my seat almost the entire time. Ms. Hill has become a favorite author of mine and I consider her to be an automatic add to my "to be read list". If you are a serious suspense loving reader who loves to form bonds with the characters, this is definitely the book for you! I loved it and can't wait to read more of Ms. Hill's books, she has the gift of knowing what the reader wants and then hitting you with an ending you certainly don't expect. Two thumbs up!" ~ Val, You Gotta Read Reviews, 5 Stars

“Family Secrets is an exciting action filled romantic suspense. The chemistry between the characters in the story is wonderful. The romance is beautiful. These two throw sparks anytime they are together. A fast paced smooth flowing storyline will captivate the readers. The surprise ending is thrilling. This is a definite must read and I highly recommend it to the readers. So be sure to add Family Secrets by Jamie Hill to your reading list, you'll be glad you did.” ~5 Hearts ~ Anita, The Romance Studio

“Family Secrets is packed full of Intrigue and Suspense with a good healthy dose of sensual heat. Jamie Hill will have you twisting in your seat waiting to know what happens next with this story. Just when you think you know what is going to happen, Jamie throws in yet another stunner. Family Secrets is a recommended read.” ~ 5 Roses ~ Deb, Sensual Reads

“Family Secrets is packed with lots of betrayal and secrets that will make the readers jump in turning each page . . .” ~ 4 Angels ~ Lena C., Fallen Angel Reviews 


Saturday 28 January 2012

Now available: The Fisherman's Daughter by Sydell Voeller

Psychology professor Vanessa Paris receives word that her father has disappeared from his fishing boat in Puget Sound and rushes to her childhood home in the San Juan Islands to try to help find him. Tragedy has been no stranger to Vanessa--years ago her mother died and more recently, her brother. The possibility of losing her father now is almost too much to bear.  

But when Vanessa arrives at the family owned tourist lodge, she meets Lowell Maxwell, who offers to help her search for her father. Back in high school, Vanessa harbored a secret, unrequited crush on Lowell. Now, he's a tough, jaded cop on leave from L.A., working for her father as a carpenter on a temporary basis, and even more dangerously appealing.  

Vanessa and Lowell are like sunshine and darkness. Despite her losses, she focuses on positive action and the good in people. Lowell, however, chases down the bad guys, flirts with danger, sometimes even death--and he's determined he'll soon return to the force in L.A.  

Is there still a chance of finding Vanessa's father alive and well? Can she take a chance on loving Lowell, risking the possibility of his dying too? And what is the dark secret that has driven him back home, a secret that has convinced him there's no longer any room in his heart for love? 
"Sydell Voeller has a magic touch with description.  I could almost feel the sea spray misting my face as Vanessa Paris sailed across Puget Sound and hear the splash of water as the crab pots were hauled in and the day's catch tallied.  Oh, yes, and the rustic mailboxes with wild blackberries growing nearby.  What a lovely place to live.  And I got to visit there for a while." ~ Kathy Ishcomer, Under the Covers Book Reviews  

"A romantic suspense that does a good job keeping the reader guessing who did it.   Fisherman's Daughter has opened my eyes to a whole new avenue of fresh romance stories.  I know I'll try another and I highly recommend all readers do too." ~ WCRG on AOL Reviewer Board  

"Ms. Voeller has chosen a great setting for her book, and takes the reader there with her knack for subtle details. I could easily picture the wild and rugged Tawanya Island and the eclectic assortment of people who inhabit it." ~ Rhapsody Magazine  

"The mystery surrounding Vanessa's father's disappearance was nicely done. Author Voeller set up why and whodunits very neatly. Suspense, tension, and then resolution followed each other right on cue." ~ Teri Dohmen, Crescent Blues Book Reviews 

"I read The Fisherman's Daughter in one sitting. It was a page turner for sure. The unexpected mix of heated romance and heart-wrenching intrigue made for an unforgettable e-book that I would recommend to any romance aficionado. Reunited friends Vanessa Paris and Lowell Maxwell have the perfect amount of tension between them that is only augmented by the disappearance of Vanessa's father. Set in Puget Sound, the beautiful description of this seaside town will have you longing for salty air and sunset sailing. This is definitely a must read."  ~ Trinch Books  

"Sydell Voeller has created a sweet romance full of passion and mystery. Ms. Voeller is a talented author and I look forward to reading her future works." ~ Sadonna Grandstaff, Word Museum

~ Find Sydell's titles here

5 Star Reviews for Hide and Seek by Jamie Hill

"Outstanding! I have a new fav author! I hadn't read Jamie Hill before, but I saw this book, Hide and Seek, when it was offered on a website I subscribe to. Boy am I glad I picked it up. What a truly amazing novel this is. The sincerity and emotional depth of this book just blew me away. It's not very often that a novel touches me in the way that this book did. Life is messy, things don't always happen the way you would like them to, but sometimes it's for the best so it can make way for something even better. I can't wait to read the sequel, Run to Me, that tells the back story of how Madison came to leave Harvard and ended up in Meridan, Okla. Buy this book, it's awesome." ~ 5 Stars, Scarlettladder, Amazon Verified Purchase

"Phenomenal Book. I laughed, cried, was mad, humiliated. I just went the gamut with this one. Any author who gets all these feelings along with a good story is top notch in my book. What a great book such depth in the writing along with great characters. I just loved it and look forward to reading the next one. Bravo to the author you made a fan out of me." 5 Stars, kooks, Amazon Verified Purchase

Hide and Seek

Wild Thing Series, Book One. Life can’t be all fun and games, or can it? Madison Stewart spends her days taking care of children at the Sunny Days Childcare Center, and her nights wondering what’s missing from her life. When Robert Cooper brings his three year old daughter, Sophie, to the center, he not only fills the vacancy in Maddie’s classroom, but also the empty spot in her heart.

Sophie’s mother returns with her own agenda, and Rob is forced to choose between an old, familiar existence and his new, more complicated relationship. Shocked and hurt at his indecision, Maddie, with secrets of her own, feels the need to run and hide. When Rob seeks her out, what he finds stuns him and changes their lives forever.