Sunday 29 January 2012

Free at Amazon Sunday Jan. 29

Flames of Prophecy by Judith Pittman

Lady Marta is born to a noble family. She grows up in a country manor like any other lady, but she has a secret bloodline--she is sole heir to the throne of Moldavia. Driven out by the Turks, her father took refuge in England as a young man. Here he married and lived quietly, hoping to escape his enemies. There is more than royalty in Marta's background, however, there is magic, too, for she descends from seers. As she matures it becomes clear she too has the "gift" (or perhaps, "curse") of foresight. This is respected in the East, but in England prophecy is dangerous, for it is connected with witchcraft.

As Marta grows to womanhood, every day is filled with danger. First, Turkish assassins, who want the last Christian heir to the Moldavian throne dead, stalk her. Then the handsome, worldly Russian prince who is contracted to marry her arrives with a jealous, murderous lover in tow. When King Henry, the family's protector, dies, his unstable daughter Mary comes to the throne. Queen Mary dislikes Marta and is eager to burn all heretics and "witches." Written in a colorful romantic style, Flames of Prophecy is a fast read, with an engaging, strong heroine and plenty of action. How Marta manages to survive all her trials and to--perhaps--found a line of prophets in the English countryside--makes an intriguing, unusual story.

~ Find this title here

Family Secrets by Jamie Hill

As if stumbling over a dead body isn't enough, Crystal Cartwright finds herself playing surrogate mother to two small boys when their father--her neighbor--doesn't come home. The kids aren't much trouble, but the thieves, drug dealers and kidnappers they're about to encounter are.

Detective Jack Dunlevy, a cop down on his luck, draws the cases no one else wants. A simple investigation involving a dead homeless man quickly changes as Crystal enlists Jack's help with the children. Drawn into a mystery that none of them could have anticipated, they're faced with a situation that will change their lives forever.

"Ms. Hill is a genius! The plot line was AMAZING. It was action packed and kept me on the edge of my seat almost the entire time. Ms. Hill has become a favorite author of mine and I consider her to be an automatic add to my "to be read list". If you are a serious suspense loving reader who loves to form bonds with the characters, this is definitely the book for you! I loved it and can't wait to read more of Ms. Hill's books, she has the gift of knowing what the reader wants and then hitting you with an ending you certainly don't expect. Two thumbs up!" ~ Val, You Gotta Read Reviews, 5 Stars

“Family Secrets is an exciting action filled romantic suspense. The chemistry between the characters in the story is wonderful. The romance is beautiful. These two throw sparks anytime they are together. A fast paced smooth flowing storyline will captivate the readers. The surprise ending is thrilling. This is a definite must read and I highly recommend it to the readers. So be sure to add Family Secrets by Jamie Hill to your reading list, you'll be glad you did.” ~5 Hearts ~ Anita, The Romance Studio

“Family Secrets is packed full of Intrigue and Suspense with a good healthy dose of sensual heat. Jamie Hill will have you twisting in your seat waiting to know what happens next with this story. Just when you think you know what is going to happen, Jamie throws in yet another stunner. Family Secrets is a recommended read.” ~ 5 Roses ~ Deb, Sensual Reads

“Family Secrets is packed with lots of betrayal and secrets that will make the readers jump in turning each page . . .” ~ 4 Angels ~ Lena C., Fallen Angel Reviews 


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