Monday 30 January 2012

Review: Dearly, Departed by Lia Habel

Dearly, DepartedDearly, Departed by Lia Habel

My rating: ♥♥♥♥❥

Love can never die.
Love conquers all, so they say. But can Cupid’s arrow pierce the hearts of the living and the dead—or rather, the undead? Can a proper young Victorian lady find true love in the arms of a dashing zombie?

The year is 2195. The place is New Victoria—a high-tech nation modeled on the manners, mores, and fashions of an antique era. A teenager in high society, Nora Dearly is far more interested in military history and her country’s political unrest than in tea parties and debutante balls. But after her beloved parents die, Nora is left at the mercy of her domineering aunt, a social-climbing spendthrift who has squandered the family fortune and now plans to marry her niece off for money. For Nora, no fate could be more horrible—until she’s nearly kidnapped by an army of walking corpses.

But fate is just getting started with Nora. Catapulted from her world of drawing-room civility, she’s suddenly gunning down ravenous zombies alongside mysterious black-clad commandos and confronting “The Laz,” a fatal virus that raises the dead—and hell along with them. Hardly ideal circumstances. Then Nora meets Bram Griswold, a young soldier who is brave, handsome, noble . . . and dead. But as is the case with the rest of his special undead unit, luck and modern science have enabled Bram to hold on to his mind, his manners, and his body parts. And when his bond of trust with Nora turns to tenderness, there’s no turning back. Eventually, they know, the disease will win, separating the star-crossed lovers forever. But until then, beating or not, their hearts will have what they desire.

In Dearly, Departed, romance meets walking-dead thriller, spawning a madly imaginative novel of rip-roaring adventure, spine-tingling suspense, and macabre comedy that forever redefines the concept of undying love.

From the Hardcover edition.

I caught him stealing glances at me from across the room, and the sight of him took my breathe away. He slowly began to limp toward me and the way his right knee dipped a little every time he landed on that side was so gangsta. And then his nose hit the ground, and I was like "Guuuuuurrrrrl, that's gone be my baby daddy!" "What that's just a skin ailment. Pale, huh, he just don't get out that much. You just Jealous cause he the most popular guy in schooland he want me."

YES I judged this book long before I read it. NO need to worry, this IS NOT that kind of book.

I was given a copy of this book from Net Galley via the generous folks at Random House Publishing Group.

Throughout and by the end of this book I had so many emotions volleying for my attention, my most difficult challenge proved to be reiming it all in and forming my review in coherent sentences.

I was excited by the action. The fight scenes definitly had my upmost attention to the point where I've missed my stop on the train more than once and was late for work, hence giving me more time to read this awesome book. (Not complaining here....just stating a fact.) The settings and reforming of society in this Dystopia novel had me in awe. I heart Steampunk. There's something uniquely fasinating about it and the culture and lifestyle of this tale definitely put me in the mind of Steampunk. I appreciated the fact that this has not one, but two kick ass heroines! And the one you'ld least expect is the boldest. Nora was a little diappointing in that aspect. I wanted her to be more hard core bad-ass-ness. (Um, you know what I mean right?) I was horrified of this author's audasity to try and make a zombie the leading male in this romance. I'm so not completely sold. It was super sweet how it all played out. I'm embarrased to say, I found myself sighing alot and a tad bit jelious of Nora. If you're old enough to remember Family Matter, you'll understand when I say, Nora and Bram had a Laura/Steve Urkel kind of love. (At first he was so undesirable to the point of "EWWW", then he grows on you.) The villians were surprising when revealed and infuriating none the less. I was disappointed when it ended. I'm excited and impaitent to see what happens next.

If you're afraid to pick this up because of the ZOMBIE content, you're going to regret it. This is a very well written and darn almost believeable book. Well, it is, if you can get pass the whole walking dead thing.) There are decaying gross parts, but there's nothing too terrifying to give you nightmares. I rate this 4.5!

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

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