Thursday 26 January 2012

Free at Amazon Thursday Jan. 26

Ice by Barbara M. Hodges and Randolph Tower

Want to generate a little heat, try some Ice.

Sherice Solomon, the serial killer known as Ice, is moving west. 

Santa Maria, California police Detective Darcie Devonshire is sure Ice has made it to the central coast when a body turns up in a dumpster with the killer’s distinctive kill-slice across his throat.  
With the discovery of the body, also comes the shock of Morgan Garrett, Darcie’s ex CIA partner and lover, standing beside the dead man. 

Morgan stumbles upon the body while in a drunken stupor and has no memory of how he ended up in the alley. He is held briefly by the Santa Maria police and released. A decision to sober up takes him to Pacific Winds, a clinic for substance abusers.

At Pacific Winds, Sherice Solomon, has taken a position as a clinical psychologist.  With her first encounter with Morgan, she decides he will join her on her hunts.  A decision, Arahni, the soul in the shafra that speaks and guides Sherice, refuses to accept. 
When Darcie and Morgan discover each other again old feelings ignite. This Sherice will not tolerate, there can be only one answer. Darcie must die.

"Barbara M. Hodges and Randolph Tower have created on very scary book. It contains all the elements of a great horror novel with a touch of fantasy. The fantasy didn't surprise me since Barbara is the queen of fantasy fiction. ICE is definitely a page turner, sometimes I had to grit my teeth because I guessed what was coming--and it did--in all it's horrifying and bloody gory. Enjoyed ICE even though it gave me night mares." ~ Marilyn Meredith, author of Lingering Spirit, an Axe to Grind and Dispel the Mist

"Authors Barbara M. Hodges and Randolph Tower take their readers on a wild ride to stop a killer before it’s too late.
Two outstanding authors created this diabolical character who shows no remorse when killing, enjoys and thrives on the blood baths and wants to possess, not only her guided spirit, but Morgan too. Men or women, it does not make a difference to Ice. She wants control, and in her own mind her father’s approval which she never got. Vividly created and fast paced with each chapter told in the voice of one character, we feel their frustrations, fears; understand their motives and desires with a cutting edge result. Who wins and who dies? Find out when you read this outstanding novel by two great authors? What is the final fate of Darcie and Morgan? Only this reviewer and the authors know." ~ Fran Lewis, Reviewer

Blood Hunt by Lee Killough

When San Francisco Homicide Inspector Garreth Mikaelian begins hunting a mysterious red-haired woman who appears involved in the murders of two out-of-town businessmen, he faces a killer unlike any he has investigated before. For unknown to him, Lane Barber is a vampire. When Garreth comes too close, she attacks him and turns him into a vampire, too. Now, even as he struggles to cope with this devastating change in his life without betraying to others what he has become, he is back on Lane’s trail...this time with a vengeance. But can he find her, and find a way to bring her to justice, before she decides to attack again, and this time finish him off?

Love in a Small Town by Betty Jo Schuler

It's late June when Sam Champion drives into an Illinois town and sees a "Grow Browning" billboard, with the population, 3653, in changeable numbers, like those on a scoreboard. Sam, an Arizona professor, wants to sell the house he inherited, fast, and return to Arizona, for a prestigious promotion. Lily Madison, his red-haired neighbor is an accident-waiting-to-happen, but beautiful, determined, and smart, she has other plans for Sam and Browning. Lily brightens Sam's life, but he doesn't realize how much until he tries to walk away.

"Against the backdrop of a tender love story, the author depicts a realistic commentary of a small town in the Midwest, struggling to maintain its identity. A small town Indiana at its best. The Hoosier author introduces you to real people, who can become good friends. This romance warms the heart and leaves you wanting more." ~ Best Books of Indiana, Fiction Judges

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