Monday 16 January 2012

Versatile Blogger Award!

I won the Versatile Blogger Award! I would like to thank Jennifer @ Some Like it Paranormal for awarding my blog with this meritorious award!  Jennifer is a blogger after my own heart with her posts focusing on YA & adult reviews of the paranormal, some dystopian and a little bit of everything else.  Be sure to check her out!

  • Thank and link the blogger who bestowed the award.
  • Share seven random facts about yourself.
  • Spread the love by passing the award to five other bloggers, and be sure to let them know. 

7 random facts about me
  1. I like cats, but I’m highly allergic to cats
  2. I served 10 years in the Army
  3. I don’t eat pork
  4. My long hair is really my hair
  5. I lived in Germany for 3 years
  6. I drive a Dodge Neon
  7. I used to rap (like gangster rap)

Now I’m spreading the love by passing the award to the following bloggers:

I met Jennifer during the Small Reviews, Busting the Newbie Blues meme!  She’s a newbie also, so show her some love.

 She has great giveaways and awesome posts.  Guten Tag Patricia!
She always reads the dreamiest books.   

Hafsah @ Icey books
Fantastic blogger and skilled designer, my new blog button and rating system is by this very talented lady.

We talk books on Twitter!

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

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