Monday 30 April 2012

Spring Fling Giveaway Hop: Troll-magic by J.M. Ney-Grimm

Hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer & Eve's Fan Garden
Hello there!  Thanks so much for hopping by.  Enter to win:

by J.M. Ney-Grimm
Published December 28th 2011 by Wild Unicorn Books
“In short, she was the friend from his childhood . . . and yet not his old friend: taller, hints of curves. Why had he never noticed she was beautiful before? All his planned introductions slipped away.”

Kellor's a prince in trouble. Lorelin's a musician trapped by bucolic traditions. Both must defy a troll-witch's curse while navigating a maze of hidden secrets.

So there might be love. What about challenge?

“There had been words when Mandine cursed him. In memory, he could hear the scream of her rage and despair, see her contorted face and the splintering acidic light. But the details eluded him.”

In the North-lands, using troll-magic is a crime punished by death, but some folk are desperate enough to risk it. Mandine was one such seeker, and her troll-disease has bitten deeply, stealing her sanity. Bound within her curse, Kellor evolves a crazy plan to defeat his step-mother, but it depends on the willingness of an old friend. Will Elle join him, even though his identity is concealed? And if she does, can she prevail against a troll-witch's potent curse?

Enchantment . . . adventure . . . what about insight?

“It's a risk, I suppose. But wouldn't you learn and grow regardless of what the result was? That would be a gain, even if playing in Ringestad were not.”

Lorelin stepped lightly after her sister. “Don't just sit there, do something?”

Irisa sat on the low wall and patted the spot beside her invitingly. “Except there's also: don't just do something, sit there!”

Lorelin laughed. How did you tell which wisdom-saying to follow?

And who will triumph when the prince's fate is written? The troll-witch? Her troll-daughter? Or the flautist?

Troll-magic is a novel.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite celebrity "red carpet" clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

Sex, Love and Murder by Sandy Semerad

Previously published as Mardi Gravestone

After the unexpected death of her husband, Lilah Sanderford thinks she’ll never love again until she travels to New Orleans where sexy jazz musician Jay Cascio stirs her into a frenzy of raw passion.  Combine the mystique of Mardi Gras with the soulful spirit of New Orleans, add a suspicious accident, a plot against the U.S. President, a mysterious suitcase and a crystal necklace from a graveyard psychic and you have SEX, LOVE AND MURDER.  A romantic suspense novel you won’t soon forget.

“Marvelous job, diverse and credible people, magical evocation of New Orleans, would nominate for this year’s Best First Mystery...” Award winning author Jeremiah Healy.

“A very exciting mystery…” Romantic Times Magazine.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Client Mock Up: ME #1

Okay so I need something Kindred Dreamheart to wear to an event that will debut my first men's suit.

Here's my inspiration and progress:
Thanks to Uncle Sam and genetics I have an athletic build, so the best silhouette for my body type and the formality of this event is a classic wiggle dress w/ pearls. Oh and because of my youth, I'll use denim to avoid looking too old.  To play on today's trend, I will wear the snake skin pumps. 

I hope to have this completed by Monday evening.  The show is on Friday, and my husband has requested I make him a suit coat.  I'll update you later. 


About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite celebrity "red carpet" clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

Cover Reveal: The Jelly Bean Crisis by Jolene Stockman

The Jelly Bean Crisis
by Jolene Stockman

Expected publication: August 1st 2012                     

A total meltdown. The whole school watching. Now Poppy’s an ex-straight-A with no Plan B.

When Poppy Johnson throws away a full scholarship to Columbia, she can only blame the jelly beans. The yucky green ones? Midnight cram sessions and Saturday’s spent studying. The delicious red? The family legacy: Columbia, and a future in finance. Except now it’s starting to look like Poppy’s jelly bean theory is wrong. School has been her life until, but maybe it’s time to start living now.
Poppy has thirty days to try a new life. No school, no studying. Just jumping into every possible world. Thirty days to find her passion, her path, and maybe even love. The Jelly Bean Crisis is officially on.

I am "in love" with this cover!

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite celebrity "red carpet" clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

Now available and Free at Amazon April 29-30: Elusive Mission by Roseanne Dowell

Imagine being threatened and forced to give up custody of your child. That’s exactly what happened to Vanessa Gleason. A fairy tale marriage turned into a nightmare, Now, alone in the world, Vanessa vows to fight her wealthy ex-husband for custody of her daughter. Was it fate that brought her to the little church on Christmas Eve?

Free at Amazon April 29-30: Sacred Ground by Rita Karnopp

Someone wants Brett Turner’s land badly enough to sabotage him, and he knows just who the culprit is: his neighbor, Willow Howling Moon. They don’t see eye-to-eye on anything. When their sons, who are best friends, run away into the mountains just before a blizzard hits, Willow and Brett have no choice but to go after them—together. In the course of the rescue, they discover an unexpected and unwelcome mutual love. The realization that both their lives are in danger finally convinces him she’s not his enemy. This heartwarming love story is set in Montana.

"A wonderful mix of romance and intrigue that will keep the reader turning pages until late into the night. Karnopp sets out to prove why her hero and heroine are all wrong for each other but in the process creates two characters the reader falls in love with and who ultimately fall in love with one another. But before their romance can really get going they must overcome the danger that lurks behind every boulder. Ms. Karnopp is a rising star in the romantic suspense field and I highly recommend Sacred Ground." ~~Lori Soard, author of Finding Ms. Right  

"Brett Turner has mixed feelings towards his neighbor Willow Howling Moon. He blames her buffalo for his cows getting sick, but Willow insists that her herd doesn’t have brucellosis. Brett also dislikes the fact that his son likes to play with Willow’s son. As far as Willow is concerned, Sean is more welcome than his father. However, she admits he isn’t bad to look at, and despite his prejudice, Brett is physically drawn to the beautiful Indian woman. Whenever they meet they quarrel, but inevitably they are drawn together.

This book tells of dreams and legends; of the struggle to overcome fear and prejudice. Beautiful, tender and full of love, it tugs at the heartstrings." ~ Five red roses, Larena,

Saturday 28 April 2012

Dreamheart Spotlight (Hiatus #1)

Sorry guys there's no Dreamheart Spotlight this week.  I'm currently casting and interviewing phenomenal talent; and I hope to have an article within the next week!

If you are an artist seeking exposure and would like to be featured, please contact me here.  We would love to hear your story.


About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite celebrity "red carpet" clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

Weekly eBook Winners

Congratulations to the weekly ebook winners in Books We Love's annual Spring Fling Event!

This week's winner is Jack Riddle.

Jack wins his choice of any two Books We Love ebooks or Spice ebooks. He also receives TEN extra entries into the Kindle Fire drawing May 31. Jack, please visit our website and make your two choices, then email the titles to

Remember, only subscribers to our newsletter are eligible to enter our contests, so if you're not a subscriber go here and sign up now. Find the entry form for Spring Fling there too!

Congratulations Jack!

Friday 27 April 2012

Now available: Sacred Ground by Rita Karnopp

Someone wants Brett Turner’s land badly enough to sabotage him, and he knows just who the culprit is: his neighbor, Willow Howling Moon. They don’t see eye-to-eye on anything. When their sons, who are best friends, run away into the mountains just before a blizzard hits, Willow and Brett have no choice but to go after them—together. In the course of the rescue, they discover an unexpected and unwelcome mutual love. The realization that both their lives are in danger finally convinces him she’s not his enemy. This heartwarming love story is set in Montana.

"A wonderful mix of romance and intrigue that will keep the reader turning pages until late into the night. Karnopp sets out to prove why her hero and heroine are all wrong for each other but in the process creates two characters the reader falls in love with and who ultimately fall in love with one another. But before their romance can really get going they must overcome the danger that lurks behind every boulder. Ms. Karnopp is a rising star in the romantic suspense field and I highly recommend Sacred Ground." ~~Lori Soard, author of Finding Ms. Right  

"Brett Turner has mixed feelings towards his neighbor Willow Howling Moon. He blames her buffalo for his cows getting sick, but Willow insists that her herd doesn’t have brucellosis. Brett also dislikes the fact that his son likes to play with Willow’s son. As far as Willow is concerned, Sean is more welcome than his father. However, she admits he isn’t bad to look at, and despite his prejudice, Brett is physically drawn to the beautiful Indian woman. Whenever they meet they quarrel, but inevitably they are drawn together.

This book tells of dreams and legends; of the struggle to overcome fear and prejudice. Beautiful, tender and full of love, it tugs at the heartstrings." ~ Five red roses, Larena,

Free at Amazon Apr. 27- Stone Maiden by Tina Gerow

In Stone Maiden, Ariel Knight, a nine-hundred year old gargoyle and ex-warrior for God opens a present-day bodyguard agency with her three sisters. At the request of the Angel Gabriel, they take on protecting Logan McAllister, playboy country music songwriter, who has suddenly become a prime target for all of the evil supernatural beings in the area. While Ariel tries to unravel who is behind the mysterious attacks, she is also battling a growing affection and attraction for him. To make matters worse, Logan's business manager turns out to be a master vampire who broke her heart two centuries ago and still seems to have feelings for her. Nothing like finding out your lover is a soulless bloodsucker to ruin a relationship.

eCataRomance Reviewer's Choice Award 2006

Desert Rose Golden Quill Finalist 2006 

"This was a fantastic read. It had action, comedy, hot love making and the best part. . .it read so smooth it went down like the richest chocolate. Ms. Gerow peppers the story with witty comments that make you smile or laugh out load. The characters are rich in their admirable traits and balanced by their imperfections. The reader falls in love with both of them as they continue to read and that makes this story an incredible read. The other fantastic thing in this story is the potential for a sequel. Ms. Gerow introduces many secondary characters that you fall in love with too. Hopefully, she will work on several sequels, particularly with regards to James, the Dark Redeemer." ~ Teri, Romance Junkies 
"Tina Gerow has done a fantastic job with world building! Gargoyles appear very real and she provides a rather unique and believable background for their existence. The variety of supernatural beings in STONE MAIDEN is impressive and also includes vampires, zombies, succubi, and even a rokurokubi (Japanese goblin). Paranormal fans will be delighted with the mixture without being overwhelmed.  STONE MAIDEN is an incredible start to what appears to be a fabulous series. Tina Gerow is obviously a very talented writer and she expertly combines action, romance, and the paranormal to create a book that readers will not want to put down. FIRE MAIDEN is the second book in the series and this reviewer cannot wait to read it!  STONE MAIDEN is a compelling read and one that will belong on any paranormal reader's keeper shelf. Tina Gerow has woven an intricate storyline that will leave readers begging to know when the next book will be out. Highly recommended!" ~  CK2S KWIPS AND KRITIQUES

Thursday 26 April 2012

Masquerade Read-Along April 1 - 28, 2012: Final Week (Q & A)

Chapters 24-31 Final Discussion Questions
1. Heven develops a new “supernatural power”. She remarks that it isn’t that exciting of a power. Is this a power you would like to have, if not what kind of supernatural power would you like to have?
I’ll admit that at first I thought her “supernatural power” was kind of lame.  I was like, “why can’t she be telepathic or telekinetic?” But then I read another book where ironically the character has the same power.  It was then that I realized being able to (don’t want to ruin it for other readers so I’m not saying) goes hand and hand with reading thoughts.  Now I’m satisfied.  If Heven can only learn how to control her power; it’ll make for a very interesting gift.

2. Which character do you think makes the biggest internal change throughout the course of this book? Is there a situation in your life that you can reflect back on as an experience that changed your life for the better?
Heven of course!  Rebuilding her confidence was a miraculous and very rewarding improvement.  I’ve had many eye opening experiences; but the biggest was when I served in the military.  I fought in Iraq.  Being that close to death and seeing bad stuff for over the years can definitely make you reflect on the value of your life; the impact you make on others; and the memory you leave when you leave this world of the living.  I used to have a very short temper.  Now it’s like I try very hard not to let the small things get to me.  I survived and a lot of my battle buddies weren’t as blessed; so I might as well start acting appreciative of my life and show people around me patience and more kindness.  I’m not perfect; and I may slip from time to time, but I’m very conscious of my actions and the way I use my words now.

3. Who is your favorite character and why?
Grams!  I love her.  Her unconditional love just reminds me so much of my own grandmother.

4. When the book ends the reader has an idea of what the next book will involve. Do you think the book ended in the appropriate place?
Not so much.  I wish it would have ended right when Sam saw and recognized his brother.  In short, I wish it was a cliff hanger (doom….doom…doom…. TO BE CONTINUED)!  It sort of started to frustrate me seeing that the little brother was going to be like torn in the side.  I wanted to at least hope that Sam and Heven would progress with their relationship, and then here he comes.  I bet he’s going to be a serious “player hater” and “blocker” also known as interference and #1 distraction.

5. Do you have any predictions for the next book in the series, Charade?
Yep, so they’re going to go to Rome.  Kimmie will be chugging Hater-Aide while her boyfriend lusts after Heven.  Sam’s going to be all jealous and ready to fight over it; while his little brother tries to straighten the wedge while working for the enemy.  Yes, I think he’s evil.  Heven is going to feel alone even with everyone there because they won’t see the “great divide” going on until the very end.  All these weird things are going to be gunning for Heven; but everyone’s going to be too busy fighting to come to her rescue.  So her powers are going to advance quicker due to the stress.  She’s going to save the day.  The friends will inadvertently find out the truth.  Then everyone’s going to make up and be happy again.  Oh and no one will ever know the little brother is EVIL.  (lol, I have a very active imagination.)

6. Did you enjoy participating in this read along? Will you join in future read alongs?

I LOVED IT!  It forced me to analyze as I read.  I am not at all a professional reviewer; and never give it this much thought.  I am ALL emotion.  Just call me a book enthusiast.  I would absolutely love to sign up for any and all future read alongs.  I often gossip about books with my friends and family, who are non-readers, and they never “get it”.  This is a much better outlet.

Well you guys, it's been alot of fun.  I truly mean that.  I may not have been able to respond to everyone and every week, but I've enjoyed reading everyone's contributions via my Kindle.  I feel like this experience has brought me that much closer to being a blogger addict and loving this book that much more!


About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite celebrity "red carpet" clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Now available: Stone Maiden by Tina Gerow

In Stone Maiden, Ariel Knight, a nine-hundred year old gargoyle and ex-warrior for God opens a present-day bodyguard agency with her three sisters. At the request of the Angel Gabriel, they take on protecting Logan McAllister, playboy country music songwriter, who has suddenly become a prime target for all of the evil supernatural beings in the area. While Ariel tries to unravel who is behind the mysterious attacks, she is also battling a growing affection and attraction for him. To make matters worse, Logan's business manager turns out to be a master vampire who broke her heart two centuries ago and still seems to have feelings for her. Nothing like finding out your lover is a soulless bloodsucker to ruin a relationship.

eCataRomance Reviewer's Choice Award 2006

Desert Rose Golden Quill Finalist 2006 

"This was a fantastic read. It had action, comedy, hot love making and the best part. . .it read so smooth it went down like the richest chocolate. Ms. Gerow peppers the story with witty comments that make you smile or laugh out load. The characters are rich in their admirable traits and balanced by their imperfections. The reader falls in love with both of them as they continue to read and that makes this story an incredible read. The other fantastic thing in this story is the potential for a sequel. Ms. Gerow introduces many secondary characters that you fall in love with too. Hopefully, she will work on several sequels, particularly with regards to James, the Dark Redeemer." ~ Teri, Romance Junkies 
"Tina Gerow has done a fantastic job with world building! Gargoyles appear very real and she provides a rather unique and believable background for their existence. The variety of supernatural beings in STONE MAIDEN is impressive and also includes vampires, zombies, succubi, and even a rokurokubi (Japanese goblin). Paranormal fans will be delighted with the mixture without being overwhelmed.  STONE MAIDEN is an incredible start to what appears to be a fabulous series. Tina Gerow is obviously a very talented writer and she expertly combines action, romance, and the paranormal to create a book that readers will not want to put down. FIRE MAIDEN is the second book in the series and this reviewer cannot wait to read it!  STONE MAIDEN is a compelling read and one that will belong on any paranormal reader's keeper shelf. Tina Gerow has woven an intricate storyline that will leave readers begging to know when the next book will be out. Highly recommended!" ~  CK2S KWIPS AND KRITIQUES

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Cover Reveal: Redheads are Soulless by Heather White

Redheads are Soulless by Heather M. White

High School senior, Sofia Black, has had a very hard life. Since her father's death 7 years ago, she has had to look after her drug addicted, alcoholic mother. School isn't any better for her either. The other kids constantly tease, and ridicule her. All she wants is to get out of her small hometown in Alabama.

When new student, Jason, shows up, Sofia's world is turned upside down. She doesn't understand why he wants to befriend her so badly... And, just when she thinks she can trust him, trouble appears.

Jason's twin brother, Robbie, moves into town, and things go haywire. Sofia is now running for her life - and Jason is forced to share hidden secrets with her. She learns the truth about her father's death, and finds out that she may not be as "human" as she once thought. She struggles to accept her fate, while fighting for her life.
Check out:  Heather M White Blog -

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite celebrity "red carpet" clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

Monday 23 April 2012

In My Mailbox # 20

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren.

Hello Beautiful People:
Here's what came in my mailbox...
Brambleman by Jonathan Grant (For Review for Author)
Miles from Ordinary by Carol Lynch Williams (Won from Nicole @ YA Book Haven)
Born at Midnight (Shadow Falls #1) by C.C. Hunter (Won from Beverly @ The Wormhole)

I've also downloaded over 25 YA and paranormal Freebies via Amazon and Smashwords. 
I'm officially hooked on free ebooks! 

Check out my tweets to access the links for your copy.
(See hashtag #FREE)

Follow me on Twitter for regular updates.

So what came in your mailbox?
About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite celebrity "red carpet" clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

Cabin Fever by Sheila Claydon

The Osprey cruise ship is in trouble. Can Ellie Masters and Andy Smith solve the problem? When they join the ship in New Zealand they soon discover that it’s going to be hard work all the way to Australia. Not that either of them intend to let long hours get in the way of their blossoming love affair...until Ellie develops feet of clay..or is it Andy who is the problem? Is he really who he says he is? 
They joined the ship to help the crew, but now it’s Ellie and Andy who need help. Will they get it or is it already too late?

"Cabin Fever was a delightful read. It reminded me of the old movie musicals I love to watch. The characters are attractive, independent, smart, and just plain fun to spend time with. I could easily visualize this on the screen: an elegantly-appointed cruise ship, the changing scenery of exotic ports and a classic case of an immovable object meeting an irresistible attraction." ~ 5 Stars, Sandra Cody, Amazon Reader and Verified Purchase

~ Find this title here

Client Mock Up: Pimping Your Kicks

The Mission: Making these shoes match the material.

1st coat!
(I taped the edges to protect from bleeding.)

2nd coat!

Effective 29 April: ALL DONE!

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite celebrity "red carpet" clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

Saturday 21 April 2012

Free at Amazon Sat. Apr. 21: Hattie's Heroes by Ginger Simpson

Hattie Carson leaves an orphanage that has been her home for years to embark on a trip to California with the Franklin family. How can tending three children be as challenging as ten times that many? A passel of surprises await, including meeting the handsome young man Mr. Franklin hired as an extra hand. It doesn’t take long before Hattie’ll do anything for Billy Monroe, including jumping into a fast-moving river to escape death at the hands of Indians.

Billie Monroe really expected to be overrun by a war party when he advised Hattie to swim for safety. Now she’s gone and it’s his fault. The life he planned with her in California is nothing more than a dream…the same dream Hattie’s having while she reads an old faded journal detailing the wagon train’s trip and the past she’s been convinced doesn't really exist.

Friday 20 April 2012

Free at Amazon Friday April 20 - Kidnapped by Rita Karnopp

Laura and Aaron Palmer’s marriage is over, but they have newly adopted daughter, Amie, to consider. If they split up now, young Amie could be taken away from them both forever. Life is complicated, but it takes a turn for the worse when Laura finds Amie’s picture listed in an ad for missing and abducted children. But are the people who claim to be Amie’s biological parents really what they seem, or is something more sinister at play?

Alienated emotionally from each other, and paralyzed with fear, can Laura and Aaron find a way to save their marriage and protect their adopted daughter? This story entwines your heart with the bonding love of a child.

"This is a truly engrossing tale for anyone who has ever wondered about the stories behind those faces on the milk cartons. Author Karnopp does a great job revealing the stress of a couple unable to conceive. Her characters are all well developed and understandable, even the supporting cast. The story tugs at your heartstrings, without being saccharine or maudlin. I enjoyed it." ~ 4 Nymphs, Sphinx Minx, Literary Nymphs Reviews

"Kidnapped by Rita Karnopp is a thriller. The characters have their own distinct voice. You could see the flaws in Aaron and Laura, and as the story progresses you see them mature and grow. This is a plot that could easily be ripped from the headlines. Kidnapped is an entertaining read." ~ 4 Stars, Debra Gaynor for

Dreamheart Spotlight #17

I grew up in a town bursting at the seams with underrated extraordinary talent.  It never cease to amaze me what I find when I host casting calls in Memphis, Tennessee.  Recently I discovered a model labeled as ʺThe Lionessʺ not only because of her introverted, mysterious, and passive yet highly aggressive demeanor; but also her feline eyes and signature runway walk.

 In this edition of Dreamheart Spotlight, I will introduce the child prodigy and commercial model, with a distinctive flair, Kat Braxton; who’s looking to make a name for herself as a plus size model. 

“I’ve been in the industry since I was born,” she said.  “I grew up around some the greatest entertainers of all time. My father was a top radio announcer, voiceover artist, and performer/band director and my mother is a blues/southern soul recording artist. I took to the age at the age of 5, so performing is all I’ve ever known. 

Music was my first love, it’s in my blood. It was and still is my number 1 goal, to be a successful recording artist. I’m also a trained theater actress. I stepped onto the stage of Memphis’ Orpheum Theater when I was only 11 years old.

 Modeling was something that I just kind of fell into. I was discovered by my first agent at, out of all places, a funeral, at the age of 17. I’m five foot nine and half inches tall. He saw me towering over everybody else in the crowd on the parking lot, then he saw walk across the parking. He ran towards me and asked if I had ever considered modeling, because I had the most fluid, and poised walk he had seen. He gave my mother his card, we called maybe two weeks later and I inked my first contract. I had never considered modeling as a career, especially being a full figured girl. I was apprehensive at first, but after the first time I stepped on the runway and heard that thunderous applause from the audience, I knew that I had discovered a new passion.”
In theory having parents who have paved a path to fame would make it easier for you to attain fame in your own right.   Kat was no exception to that hypothesis.

“By the time I was in high school my parents decided to hire a private teacher and home school me, so that I could have time to pursue my career aspirations and be able to take bookings that I wouldn’t have been able to if I were in a traditional learning institution, “she said.

Contrary to popular belief, it takes a lot more than just being plus sized to be successful in the plus-size fashion scene.  You also need drive and a tough skin to make it in the industry.

“Physically I embody all that a plus size model should; I’m photogenic and height and weight proportionate,” stated Kat. “When I am shooting I’m always aware of body angles, facial expressions, and lighting. Being plus size model, I’m the underdog.  I have no room to be just as good as every other model. I have to be 10 times better and 20 steps ahead of the rest. I give 100 percent of myself to my craft. I’m not an amateur; this is my life, this is what I do. I breathe, sleep, and eat entertainment and fashion. There is no room for anything else in my life. This is what I was born to do, it was destined and ordained. It’s been embedded in my DNA.”

Plus size models are also no exception to dietary standards and Kat has had her share of the struggle.

“As a plus size model I have to maintain my curves, but I must also ensure that my curves are not out of control. My weight fluctuates up down and when I gain weight it’s hard to get it off. So, I have to ensure that I maintain an unwavering workout regimen. I do a 45 minute, total body toning, and cardio workout three to four times a week. I eat whatever I want, but everything must be done in moderation. I must admit that I splurge here and there, but those are the times that I intensify my workout regimen. I absolutely hate working out, but I love to eat so I really have to push myself to remain disciplined, ” she said.

Kat has a fabulously large resume’ and portfolio, which is promising in itself, but credits her achievements in part to her agent.

“… Leonard Pegues took me under his arms and taught me the ends and out of the industry, helping to hone my craft,” she said.  “I myself have become a reputable talent coach, taking the tools and knowledge that were given to me to help develop new talent.”

With her impeccable work ethics and attention to details during shows, Kat’s runway walk has been described as “a sache' that oozes pride and confidence much like the lioness traipses through the jungle”.

“I aim to dominate in all that I do,” she said.

Currently a junior in college and represented by two agencies, Kat is always looks beyond the horizons.  She said, “My ultimate goal, as it relates to modeling, is to be able to create a new standard of beauty. The representation that we currently see of plus size women in publications is not realistic. A size 8, 10, or even a 12 does not represent the average women in America. I want to be able to break down those barriers in the world of fashion. To be the poster child, a source of inspiration for that little girl who looks in the mirror and hates what she see, because she’s been called fat. I want to encourage that teenage girl who is battling an eating disorder, because all the images she sees in magazines or on television tell her that she is not good enough. I want to be the new prototype of the plus size model. I want to create an international brand, to have my name be synonymous with greatness. I want to reach unparalleled heights of success, both in front and behind the camera. One of my goals is to open a specialty agency, representing real people who have amazing talent, but don’t necessarily fit the traditional mold. I want to be a legend, and icon, to do it unlike anyone that came before me.”

Want to know more about this Dreamheart?
The best way to contact Kat for either more information and/or booking:

Twitter- @MsKatBraxton

 Be sure to show Ms. Kat Braxton some love!  Don't miss next week's Dreamheart Spotlight!

*Credits: Image #1: JD Westbrook Photography | Image #2: The House of Monee' | Image 3 & 4 : Greg Moore Photography.

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite celebrity "red carpet" clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))