Wednesday 11 April 2012

Author Q & A: Ec•o•nom•ics: A Simple Twist on Normalcy

Hello Beautiful People & Trend-Setters:
I recently received a promo request from a non-fiction author.  Though this is not normally a genre I feature here, after reading her book's synopsis, I decided to pose a question pertinent to book bloggers and future book bloggers in relation to her book:
Q: {From Katrina/Kindred Dreamheart}  In your book synopsis it says, "Professional football players, corporate tobacco advertisers,  volatile gasoline prices, and the Cold War all share an undetected commonality—each is an intrinsic part of economics."  So are we to believe entrepreneurs and non-profit book bloggers share a similar undetected commonality? How so?  How does, or can, book blogging tie into the world of economics.

A: {from Kersten L. Kelly }  Book blogging definitely ties into the world of economics. Economics is all about making the best choice to maximize a payout that one will receive for something. Whether this means studying for a test or watching a favorite television show instead, time is a limited resource and people are forced to make choices on how to spend their time. Ultimately, book bloggers and entrepreneurs share a similar overarching goal - allocating the least amount of time to a given topic or event while reaching the maximum number of people. Both entities are forced to make a choice on how to spend the time they are given.
Entrepreneurs strive to make the best possible business decision to sell whatever their venture happens to be. Some may be selling services or products that they believe in, and this is essentially what book bloggers are doing as well. They are putting time and effort into creating a believable sales pitch on a book that they have read and believe in. As a result, their followers will believe in their opinions and should purchase their own copy of the book as a result. Authors and publishers who reach out to book bloggers are doing so to get a good review and increase the number of sales they receive from their book. Although this doesn't guarantee that sales will increase, it definitely increases the chances of this occurring.
In each medium, the person must choose how to allocate their time to maximize their goals. Depending on how they define those, each could share the same goals or be completely different. It's all in the eye of the beholder.  

Kersten L. Kelly is a self-published author of narrative non-fiction and semi-fiction books. She grew up in Munster, Indiana, and currently works in a sales role based out of Chicago, Illinois. She started writing at an early age and graduated from Indiana University with a dual Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Communication & Culture. She then went on to earn a Master’s in Business Administration from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. She has a passion for learning, teaching, and writing as well as international travel in her spare time. This book is her first piece of published work.

I really appreciate Kersten taking the time to visit us and discuss her book.   If this author's response peaked your interest and your want to know more, I encourage you to check out her book:

Ec•o•nom•ics: A Simple Twist on Normalcy
By Kersten L. Kelly
Professional football players, corporate tobacco advertisers,  volatile gasoline prices, and the Cold War all share an undetected commonality—each is an intrinsic part of economics. Though not obvious to the naked eye, each entity shares a pattern with the others. This book helps to shed light on these mutual characteristics. It is an extensive compilation of theories interpreted using supportive examples.
A person with a professional degree graduates from high school at age eighteen. At an average of eight years to fully earn their education, the age they start a professional position is twenty-six. They must also factor in the debt of $150,000 that will have to be paid back for their education. If the person works the same number of hours per year and retires at the same age as a person with less than a high school diploma, the average lifetime earnings of a person with a professional degree is $3,115,080 after educational debt repayment. This is a 287 percent lifetime increase for an eight-year average investment in human capital. If that isn’t a worthwhile payout, I don’t know what is!
Economics is an enthralling science that encompasses our actions, thoughts, and emotional rationality every day in the unconscious. This book dissects economic theory into bite-size, entertaining snippets that anyone can understand and apply to their daily routines. It is a compelling depiction of history, business, pop culture, and social movements intertwined with relevant economic trends. Economics is part of daily life, and this book challenges readers to question how and why people make decisions by adding a simple twist on normalcy.

About the Blogger
I'm Katrina, founder of Kindred Dreamheart. I'm an aspiring junior & women's petite celebrity "red carpet" clothing designer and book lover. I read select genres. However if it's a series I'm sure I'd love it also regardless of the genre. I read when I want to be entertained; watch TV when I'm bored; and when I'm not designing something fabulous, I blog. (((Contact Me)))

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