Thursday 19 April 2012

Tour Stop: Guest Post/ Giveaway: Jaguar Sun by Martha Bourke

Jaguar Sun by Martha Bourke

Paperback, 258 pages
Published January 3rd 2012 by Balam Press

December 21, 2012 Will that fateful day destroy our world, or did the Mayans have something else in mind?  Maya Delaney knows. Unfortunately.
Maya Delaney is just an average sixteen-year- old. She’s busy dealing with exams, her soon to be ex-boyfriend and fitting in. But Maya’s got bigger problems. She’s hiding a major secret from her dad and having strange visions she can’t control. In her struggle to figure out who she is, she learns that she is meant to fulfill an ancient Mayan Prophesy and bring forth a New Age on earth. Will the spirit magic Maya wields be enough to defeat Toltec, an evil society bent on keeping her from her destiny? Or will that destiny destroy her?

Book Trailer:

What’s Next for Maya?
Maya’s journey is, at its heart, one that we all must take. We may not be chosen to save the world, per se, but I think we can all identify with Maya’s search to find out the truth about who she really is. That search will take Maya into Book 2, Jaguar Moon, which I am currently writing now. Maya’s attempts to evade her past will most certainly catch up with her and she will have to face her true self head on for her own good and for the good of the world. Most of us spend a good part of our lives searching. Often, we don’t even know exactly what it is we’re searching for. In Jaguar Moon, Maya will realize that she can’t find herself in anyone else, even if it is Matt, her life mate. For her, finding out her real identity and accepting her true self will not only decide her own fate, but the fate of the world.
I would like to thank Kismet Book Touring for putting this fantastic tour together and running it, so that I could continue to focus on writing Book 2. A big THANK YOU to all of the wonderful book bloggers for taking part in the Jaguar Sun Blog Tour. And, most of all, I would like to thank my fellow Indie authors for supporting both this blog tour and my first Amazon KDP Free days. I couldn’t have done it without you!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author
Martha Bourke grew up in Burlington, Vermont, often considered a hub of “free thinking.” She was encouraged to write, act and be creative at a very young age. For most of her life, Martha has had a fascination with languages, culture and mythology – a passion that now colors and enriches her stories. A Spanish teacher, Martha continues with art on the side. She has written novels, short stories and poetry. But she admits to being totally “hooked” on YA Paranormal Romance.

Martha and her husband of thirteen years have carved out their own little piece of Vermont in the Massachusetts countryside. When not writing, Martha loves spending time with their animals, listening to good music, taking photographs, and adding to her Converse collection. She is currently working on book two of the Jaguar Sun Series, Jaguar Moon.

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