Thursday 26 July 2012

Dreamheart Spotlight # 29

... you don’t have to be extraordinarily beautiful to model...

“In my opinion you don’t have to be extraordinarily beautiful to model- you just need to be driven, realistic about your goals, and healthy”, said 18-year old aspiring model Natalie Evon.

“When I was a little girl, I fell in love with the world of fashion. My mother had always wanted to model and some of my best memories were looking through her portfolio images and playing dress up in her clothing. She was going to open a modeling school, however life got a bit crazy so she never got to. She and I would always watch Victoria Secrets fashion shows on TV and attend local community shows, which is when I realized what an art form modeling was and decided to pursue it.”

Natalie’s ultimate dream is to model for Victoria’s Secrets. “I would love to make at least a part time career out of modeling” she said. “I am loving watching how I progress with each shoot I do. Every time I appear more confident and relaxed in the photos, and although every shoot has been unique and a bit of a challenge, seeing the images is so rewarding!”

This college freshman has a regiment that would put host on FitTV to shame.   “I eat a diet of 100 % Organic and all natural foods”, she said. “I am very big on juicing, protein shakes and drinking LOTS of water. I used to go to the gym 4-5 times a week, however because of a recent knee injury I have not been as often. I try to go running when my knee is not acting up, and enjoy other exercise activities such as dancing and boxing. Also I am in love with the Brazil Butt Lift from workout! It’s a series of DVDs that are fun and upbeat that work wonders for your backside, thighs and abs! They are a challenge but the results come quickly!”

With her eyes currently on an academic career path, Natalie still finds time to schedule fashion events. “At the moment I am available almost all summer,” she said; “However this fall when school starts back up I will busy, however I will always try to make time in my schedule for a shoot I am really interested in. I am definitely open to traveling as long as all expenses are covered (flight, hotel, gas…).”
Want to Know More about this Dreamheart?
For booking and/or additional information:
Model Mayhem: #2662816

Be sure to show Natalie some love!

Photo Credits: Image # 1-Eric Alexandre Photography;  Image #2 -Abby Caldwell Photography; Image #3-Stan Freedman Photography.

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