Wednesday 4 July 2012

From the Review Pile # 5

From the Review Pile is a meme hosted by Stepping Out of the Page on Thursdays.
This meme is to showcase books that you've received for review, yet haven't yet gotten around to reading.   This gives the book some extra publicity.

Barcode: Cavern of Youth (Barcode, #2)Barcode: Cavern of Youth (Barcode #2)
by Kashif Ross
Kindle Edition
Published June 1st 2012

Kay has a new life and identity, but he can't stop thinking about the past. The longer he's away from his abusive mother and Helios, the more he obsesses over them. In order to kill the woman that pitted him against Spencer, Kay re-enrolls at Colt Academy and watches his brother's every move.
Upon his return, Kay befriends a beautiful warrior that may have the hots for him. Unable to trust her intentions, he keeps his distance like he does with everyone else. Yet, his dark heart leads him back to Angie. Like his plan for Spencer to fight Helios, Kay develops a scheme to strengthen the gladiator princess. And this time, he's willing to put his life on the line.
Dennis convinces Kay to change his appearance, but it comes at a cost; he becomes half the man he once was. Without his power, Kay must use his intuition to sneak out of deadly situations. There's a parade of obstacles in his way, including his own fate, which many people know about, but he knows very little.
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& get your copy today via Amazon

I received this novel for review directly from the author.  I was a beta reader for the first book in this series.  I'm really excited about this book, because I believed this author built a truely exciting world playing on both mythology and the best of Anime.  Besides from the way book one ended, the story has alot of redeeming to do...

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