Wednesday 25 July 2012

From the Review Pile # 8

From the Review Pile is a meme hosted by Stepping Out of the Page on Thursdays.
This meme is to showcase books that you've received for review, yet haven't yet gotten around to reading.   This gives the book some extra publicity.
Safari (Mountain Man Book Two)Safari (Mountain Man #2)
by Keith C. Blackmore
Kindle Edition, 233 pages
Published May 2012

Augustus Berry lives a day-to-day existence comprised of waking up, getting drunk, and preparing for the inevitable day when “they” will come up the side of his mountain and penetrate his fortress. Living on the outskirts of a city and scavenging for whatever supplies remain since the demise of civilization, Gus knows that his next visit to undead suburbia could be his last.
Not only does he face a corpse-infested urban hell, human scavengers, and unending loneliness, but now a new mystery has risen…
The undead are disappearing from the streets.
A force is gathering, beyond the mountain man’s darkest nightmares, even more relentless and terrifying than the roaming tides of dead flesh.
And it’s preparing to hunt.

Book two of the Mountain Man series (don't read until you've read "Mountain Man"). Contains graphic language and scenes of violence.

Add this to your TBR list via GoodReads
& get your copy today via Amazon
I was a beta reader for book one of this series; and I LOVED IT!  Seriously, I rated Mountain Man as "EPIC".  I even hosted a character interview on Gus here.  Here's my ramblings!   The author was kind enough to ensure I got a copy of book two.  While I'm not obligated to provide a review, I will post one anyway.  Hay, I can't wait to dive into this book!

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