Tuesday 31 July 2012

Great Summer Beach Reading

 From the fabulous folks at Kindle Nation Daily:


Just in time to stock your Kindle with more great summer beach reading, we’re excited to introduce a special selection of July new releases from Books We Love, Ltd. – Five Great Reads at $2.99 Each

July 26, 2012
Just in time to stock your Kindle with great summer beach reading, we’re excited this week to introduce a special selection of July new releases from a small independent publisher about which we’ll all be hearing more in the future, Books We Love, Ltd.
While some publishers have greedily tried to raise prices to exorbitant levels, Books We Love separates books of distinction from all the dreck and still offers you great prices. If you like terrific fiction from talented women authors, please check these out and share them with your friends!
Books We Love books are exclusive to Amazon and all of their books are priced at $3.99 or less. When in doubt, you can always find them in the Kindle store by entering “Books We Love” in the search field. Enjoy!

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Murphy’s Law

by Kat Attalla
4.5 stars – 4 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Fear and intimidation work. Ask Customs Agent Jack Murphy. He uses both to hunt felons. But instinct and experience fail when he sets out to retrieve Lilly McGrath– a blonde bombshell who is either a willing participant or an innocent pawn in her boss’s smuggling scam. Until Jack knows which, she’s just another suspect. . Now he just needs to get his hormones in sync with his head.
While working as an export clerk Lilly, stumbled upon her boss’s illegal activities. After an attempt on her life, she flees to Europe to hide. Living on credit cards and her wits, she is constantly on the move—but no matter where she runs, she can’t lose the dangerously handsome stranger following her across the continent. In Genoa, Italy , her credit limit and luck finally run out.
Once Jack grabs Lilly, Murphy’s Law dogs them at every turn. Someone is determined to see that Lilly never makes it back to the States to testify. The distrustful couple must learn to rely on each other if they are to survive. And for Lilly that means surrendering to a man who both infuriates and excites her.
“I really enjoyed MURPHY’S LAW. Kat Attalla has penned an exciting, fast-paced read that I couldn’t put down. Brilliant!”
Cocktail Reviews
“MURPHY’S LAW was wonderful. Ms. Attalla proves to be a spectacular romantic suspense author. MURPHY’S LAW is so full of twists and turns, you end up wondering just who can be trusted and who can’t. ”
Dark Angel Reviews

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Running Scared

by Cheryl Wright
4.5 stars – 2 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Previously Published as Saving Emma
Emma Larkin is running for her life – nowhere is safe.
Stalked by her husband’s killers, and desperate to protect her young daughter, Emma must find what the killers are looking for before she becomes their next victim.
When undercover cop, Gary Bedford, planned a relaxing break, he hadn’t counted on bumping into Emma. Now he can’t resist the temptation to discover all her secrets.
But should Emma trust her life and heart to Gary Bedford?
Can they solve the mystery surrounding her husband’s death – and uncover his deadly secret?
Secrets, treachery and Gary’s exuberant family are woven together into this brilliantly written suspense-filled romance.
— Margaret Tanner, Published Author

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by Janet Lane Walters
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Previously published as Come Into The Light
Johanna Gordon devotes her time and energy to her job as Director of Nursing at Hudson Community Hospital. With budget cuts hanging over her head, Johanna suspects the CEO of scheming a plan that threatens her job as well as the hospital, and she’s determined to find out why.
The choices she’s made for herself and her career leave her with no social life until she meets Dylan Connelly. He’s everything she’s always wanted, loving, devoted to his kids and everything she’s never had. Just when she finds love with the new man, an old flame returns with promises of a life together. Johanna has to decide between security and companionship, while trying to recapture the past, or moving forward with her new life.

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Destiny’s Shadow

by Rita Karnopp
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Montana Territory 1867 ~ When Laura Hewett follows her father out of the mountains she never expects to lose him to an avalanche before they reach their destination of Helena, in the Territory of Montana. With the help of her friend Raven Quiver, Laura arrives at the Prickly Pear Ranch on her sixteenth birthday. Her life changes forever when she learns that the man who raised her was not her real father. Daniel Hewett stole her mother and her, leaving behind a twin sister, Lilly.
Lilly Rolston is spoiled, possessive, demanding, and uncaring; all traits she leaned well from her father, Gerhard Rolston. Lilly is furious to find out not only does she have a twin sister, but she now has a half-Blackfeet brother, Jason Rolston. If it’s true, then she no longer is the sole heir of the Rolston Prickly Pear Ranch as well as the Rolston rich gold-producing Golden Eagle Mine. This is not the sixteenth birthday surprise she was hoping for.
Betrayed by Lilly, Andy Meldrum is bent on revenge and kidnaps Laura. Upon learning he has taken the wrong girl, he goes back and captures Lilly. He’ll trade the pair as slaves to the Blackfeet; putting the high and mighty Lilly Rolston in her place.
The young women quickly discover they are nothing alike. Laura, the rough and wilderness savvy one is appalled by her prim and proper, as well as self-important counter-part. Lilly is likewise appalled by the ill-speaking, ill-dressed, and ill-mannered woman who is now claiming a place in her life.
After sixteen years destiny brings them back together, while fate works against them in the challenges of survival. It quickly becomes apparent the women must learn to trust and rely on each other. Unexpectedly a strong love builds, connecting the sisters and the men destiny chose for them. This is a gripping tale of endurance, growth, and the bonding ties of twin sisters.

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2.8 stars – 5 Reviews
Or currently FREE for Amazon Prime Members Via the Kindle Lending Library
Text-to-Speech and Lending: Enabled
Here’s the set-up:
Words mean things. And Paige Turner (yes, that’s her real name), should know that better than anyone. Associate editor of the Flanders Herald, she’s buried herself in word-smithing for the better part of a decade as she labors at her father’s newspaper. But when she unleashes some well-deserved but incendiary words for her former boyfriend, she unwittingly sets into motion a chain of events that will change her life forever.Troy Roberts has assumed control of his dad’s real estate business in this sleepy little suburb of Branson. With youthful exuberance, he tackles the formidable but rewarding task of turning some of Stone County’s pristine hills into sites for mansions worthy of the musical elite who inhabit the southern Missouri showbiz Mecca. One small problem; some woman scientist claims to have discovered endangered species on his property. Between Agatha Kingfisher’s environmental zeal and Paige’s fiery tongue, Troy may have bitten off more than he can chew.Oh, yes, those infamous words: “Troy Roberts, I wouldn’t go to bed with you if you were the last cowboy in Texas!” Well, we’ll see about that…

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