Friday 27 July 2012

4 Stars for Savage Possession by Margaret Tanner

"Hot, Strong, No Sugar. If this is how you like your morning brew, give this a try. This is a romance, in the dictionary sense of "adventure," but written as if PC romance never existed, and set in Victorian Australia. Here, a rich, emotionally shut-off cattle baron is forced by strange circumstances to marry the daughter of his worst enemy. How old wounds and terrible crimes are finally let go, how healing comes to willing hearts and how lust turns to love is the subject of the story. There is some raw sex and not all the pictures drawn here are pretty. Set in the Victorian era, Australian men are tough and untamed, dismissive of women, and most women, especially poor ones, know their place and endure. In short, this is as much an actual "historical" as it is "romance." The author knows the time period. (I just waded through Thomas Keneally's immense history, "Australians".) This is the often violent past of her astonishing--familiar and yet unfamiliar--country. Although there were moments when my belief was stretched, this powerful and compelling story of lust turning to love was a page turner." ~ 4 Stars, Juliet Waldron, Historical Romance Author 

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