Monday 2 July 2012

4.5 Kisses for Kicking Bots by Vijaya Schartz

TwoLips Reviews gives Kicking Bots 4.5 Kisses!

Kicking Bots
Ancient Enemy Book Three

Dr. Melissa Campbell, head researcher at the San Francisco Center for Disease Control, asks an eminent colleague for help to protect her precious vaccine, one that could end the deadly alien plague. She didn't expect to get a crazy renegade like Bennett Sevastian for a bodyguard. She hates military types, and this genetically enhanced super-soldier is pure testosterone, hot-headed, quick-tempered, impulsive, impatient, and downright impossible. But these are dangerous times with riots in the streets, and rumors of alien invasion. In a breathless race against time, experience the decisive battle for humankind, one that will decide whether Earth belongs to humanity, or to a powerful alien race...

"Kicking Bots is a veritable thrill-ride, with some twists and turns that lead to a passel of exciting, suspense-filled moments. The inherent DNA connection between the sisters, aided by their recovered memories from the two years they spent with the Anaz-voohri, moved the story quickly along an unpredictable path that so engrossed me, I found it hard to put the book down. Great ending to a great series!" ~ 4.5 Kisses, Merrylee, TwoLips Reviews

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