Monday 2 July 2012

Tour Stop {Guest Post/ Giveaway}: Final Life by Rose Garcia

Final Life (The Transhuman Chronicles, #1)
Final Life (The Transhuman Chronicles, #1)
by Rose Garcia
Published May 15th 2012
GoodReads | Amazon
Eight lives. You'd think Dominique would get it right, but she's failed every time. Now on her final life, Dominique must discover the secrets of her past before confronting the Transhuman hunter who wants to kill her for the last time. Farrell, a mysterious Transhuman protector, and Trent, a hot guy from school, want to help her. But it's up to her to get it right this time—or she’ll be dead. For real.

              Five Questions with Rose Garcia

1.      When did you realize you wanted to be a writer? My earliest memory of writing goes back to 3rd grade when I wrote a story about a skunk. He was gross and dirty but a little girl gave him a bath and then he was clean! I still remember using the phrase “squeaky clean.” I even illustrated it! And I must say, it was pretty darn good!

2.      Where do you get your ideas or inspiration for your characters? Just about all of the characters in my books are versions of people that I know—from the personality to the physical characteristics—everyone is “real” to me. Some of my characters live on my street, some are my family members, and others are childhood friends. It’s definitely easier to write what you know, and I “know” everyone in Final Life!

3.      What books have most influenced your life? The first books that really blew me away were the Chronicles of Narnia. The books were required reading in my religion glass at Incarnate Word Academy. I’m pretty sure I was in 5th grade and I know for sure that my teacher was Mr. Quesada. The books instilled in me a love and passion for fantasy, science fiction, and now paranormal. After devouring those books, I got my hands on every sci-fi/fantasy book I could find, and I haven’t stopped reading since!

4.      What do you like to do when you are not writing? When I’m not writing, I’m reading! In fact, reading is a super important component to writing. Stephen King himself said, “If you don’t have the time to read, you don’t have the time or the tools to write.” When I’m not writing or reading, I’m hanging with my family and friends and enjoying life.

5.      What are you reading right now? I recently finished “Shattered Souls” by my good friend Mary Lindsay. I loved the book! The relationships were very real to me, and I loved how the protagonist, Lenzi, was tough and confident as a young woman. For my next read, I’m switching from YA to Adult sci-fi/fantasy and I’m going to read “The Sacred Band.” It’s book three in David Anthony Durham’s Acacia trilogy.

About the Author:
Rose Garcia is a lawyer turned writer who’s always been fascinated by science fiction and fantasy. From a very young age, she often had her nose buried in books about other-worlds, fantastical creatures, and life and death situations. More recently she’s been intrigued by a blend of science fiction and reality, and the idea that some supernatural events are, indeed, very real. Fueled by her imagination, she created The Transhuman Chronicles—a series of books about people who have overcome human limitations. Rose lives in Houston with her husband and two kids.

3 lucky people will win 1 bookmark and 1 bookplate
(This open Internationally.)

This Tour Stop is Courtesy of AToMR Book Tours!

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