Monday 30 July 2012

Free at Amazon July 30-31: War-N-Wit Resurrection by Gail Roughton

Resurrection. A secret society. Not everyone can join, just the elite few who remember their past lives. Only the Seer knows if those memories are truth or fabrication. There’s just one problem. The new Seer is missing in action. War-N-Wit’s new assignment is a blast from the past! But whose past?

"I waited a week on pins and needles for this book to come out after finishing The Witch, and it was well worth the wait! The chemistry between Ariel and Chad is Amazing. These are characters you will most certainly fall in love with! Mrs. Roughton is a superb author who has created a world you will want to get lost in with characters who blow your mind! I can't wait to read the next in the series!! Under her spell!" ~ 5 Stars, Julie, Amazon Reader and Verified Purchase

"I purchased this book, literally, 5 minutes after finishing The Witch. I was not disappointed at all! I really enjoyed the way the back story of Ariel and her Magic Man unfolded. I also love the way Micah is brought in and the part he plays in the story. I am looking forward to more adventures, more history, Ariel learning more about her powers and, I hope, more bounty hunting!!! Miss Roughton, please hurry and write more!!!" ~ 5 Stars, Alexandra Lundgren, Amazon Reader and Verified Purchase

"Another hit story about Chad and Ariel and their adventures. Gail Roughton keeps your attention with her story lines and I liked that this book picked up right after the first War-N-Wit novel ended. I understand that this will be a continuing series and I can't wait for the next ones." ~ 5 Stars, Lavender Cat, Amazon Reader and Verified Purchase

"Resurrection is the second book of the War N Wit series. Chad and Ariel meet and marry in the first book, The Witch. Resurrection picks up immediately after The Witch, which I loved, because when I finished The Witch, I immediately bought Resurrection. In Resurrection, Ariel learns new magical skills and strengthens her magical connection to Chad. There is plenty of magic in the book with Micah the cat, a golem, a glamour, a magical amulet and a counsel who "polices" the magical world. Ariel's new magical talent, mind dominance in expanded into the plot and creates an exciting ending. The Witch and Resurrection are my two favorite books of all time and I have read thousands of books. The book takes place in Savannah, Georgia and south Georgia. Romance, Suspense and Magic....oh my. The Ultimate in Romance, Suspense and Magic!" 5 Stars, Cavex2,  Amazon Reader and Verified Purchase

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