Thursday 19 July 2012

Tour Stop {Review}: Fall For You by Cecilia Gray

Fall For You (The Jane Austen Academy Series, #1: A Modern Retelling of Pride & Prejudice)Fall For You (The Jane Austen Academy Series #1)
by Cecilia Gray

ebook, 128 pages
Published February 10th 2012 by The Alpha Division, LLC

Source: From Author for honest review
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥

Jane Austen meets Pretty Little Liars in this fresh, new young-adult series * * *
The last thing that the girls at the elite Jane Austen Academy need is hot guys to flirt with. Please. They need to stay focused on something that lasts much longer: an acceptance letter from an Ivy.
But over the summer the school has been sold, and like it or not, the guys are coming. And it's about to turn the Academy--and the lives of its students--totally upside down...
* * *
To say Lizzie and Dante are polar opposites is the understatement of the century. He's a snooty Exeter transfer with more money than Google. She's a driven study-a-holic barely keeping up with tuition. It's obvious that Dante thinks he's way too good for Lizzie. And Lizzie knows Dante is a snob with a gift for pushing her buttons.

But things are changing fast this year at the Academy. And when Lizzie's quest to stop those changes blows up in her face, taking her oldest friendship with it, she has nowhere else to turn but to Dante, with his killer blue eyes, his crazy-sexy smile, and his secrets... Secrets Lizzie can't seem to leave alone, no matter how hard she tries... !

I remember reading “Pride and Prejudice” in high school.  While I don’t remember the details, I do recall the cliff notes of the story line.  Majority of the required in reading didn’t stick too well because I consider “anything” mandatory boring.  Anywho, “Fall for You” is  a Modern Retelling of “Pride & Prejudice”; so I was hoping to gain a new perspective of the Jane Austen classic.   I really appreciated the plain English talk (let me tell you).  Nothing turns me off quicker then Old English.  
This first installment of the series tell of Lizzie’s rebellion against the new adjustment to the Jane Austen Academy (Jasta).  (The name of the school really bugged me,btw.  I found it very cliché. ) She’s also a journalist so she has the media authority to make her voice be heard.  While I thought this was a cute rendition on the classic (definitely easier for me to read ), I had a few issues.  Lizzie was very judgmental.  I remember the original Elisabeth being judgmental as well, but Lizzie didn’t really have any bases.  The jabs she made in her mind on her “snobbish” “old money” classmates were unfounded, if not fully explained.  It made her look like just another jealous and mean girl nitpicking.  I liked her character better when she was focusing on her mission to rescue the school’s reputation.  

The supporting characters were very believable.  I liked the arched nemesis and best friend storylines incorporated.  The new portrayal of Mr. Darcy as Dante was the most exciting part of the book for me.   I found the hidden secrets contributing to his aloofness shocking and unexpected.

Overall the book was very fast passed bypassing details while leaving a slew of questions  that I hope to discover in the next book.

This Tour Stop is Courtesy of AToMR Book Tours!

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