Sunday 29 July 2012

Now available: A House Divided by Sydell Voeller

Rebecca Lorenzo, the young widow of a Hollywood actor who was killed by a crazed fan, is struggling to raise their young daughter, Wendy. Rebecca is embittered that God allowed her precious husband to die. She has turned her back on Him. Rebecca and Wendy move from L.A. to Rebecca's hometown on the Oregon coast. Due to a miscommunication, Rebecca mistakenly believes she can buy a Victorian house there. She hopes to cocoon herself in the security of her "safe" hometown. Rebecca meets the handsome, enigmatic homeowner, Mark Simons, and learns of his plans to tear down the house. Mark, a psychiatrist, is attempting to raise money to build a halfway house on the property, and he is admittedly a workaholic. He believes this project is God's will for him. Mark refuses to budge when Rebecca approaches him about selling the house. As Rebecca and Mark struggle to battle their individual demons from the past, they also struggle to resist their growing love for each other.  

"A heartwarming and memorable story. I was drawn to the story from the beginning, with very realistic characters and situations. Mark and Rebecca struggle with their respective pasts in and their faith in a very positive way. The characters were well developed, the plot was fast paced and never boring. This story is an inspiration to us all. Bravo, Sydell Voeller!" ~ 5 Stars, Lettetia, Amazon Reader and Vine Voice Member 

"A HOUSE DIVIDED is a two-character driven inspirational tale that focuses on the differing needs between a pair in love that though powerful seems not strong enough as each has not yet contended with tragedy in their pasts. The story line focuses on the struggles of the present relationship to cope with what has scarred their respective hearts..." ~ 4 Stars, Harriet Klausner, Amazon Hall of Fame Reviewer

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