Sunday 8 July 2012

Review: Charles by Annie Miles

CharlesCharles by Annie Miles
Kindle Edition
Published March 1st 2012 by Twist Literary
Source: Purchased/Own
My rating: ♥♥♥♥♥
GoodReads | Amazon
"Charles, what do you bench?” Abby asked.
“Three hundred,” Charles said quietly, shooting a glance at Mason, who reddened. “Abby, you look amazing tonight, by the way. That color is really fit on you.”
Rowan practically tipped the table over she stood up so fast. He had almost forgotten she was there. He felt sorry for her, but it was for the best that she see the reality of the situation.
“I’ve got to…” she said stupidly, then stalked away.
“Oh, man, Charles. What’s with your girlfriend?” Mason snorted, little flecks of dressing flying from his mouth, like it was the funniest thing anyone had ever said.
“That’s very clever, Mason,” Charles said calmly.
What he really wanted was to grab him across the table and punch his front teeth down his throat. But then he would be as big a wanker as his cousin.

Spring Valley's golden girl is found floating face-down in her boyfriend's pool, hands bound behind her back, head bleeding, drugs and alcohol in her system. Her friends are the only suspects—and they all have reasons to want her dead. Everyone has an alibi, but no one is innocent.

ALIBI is a 4-part young adult e-book series. Each one-hundred page installment reveals the perspective of a different character: the secret love, the nemesis, the boyfriend, the best friend. As their tales unfold, we learn that Abby is not as perfect as everyone believes, but she's not the only one with secrets to hide. This page-turning tale of suspense, betrayal, murder, and lust will keep fans of Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars up and reading well past curfew.

Note: This series contains content for mature YA readers.

White lie.
Lie by omission.
Lie to spare feelings.
Lie to protect.
Bold face lie.
At one point in time, everybody fibs. Turn up the stress level with a dead girl floating in the pool at a social event, interrogate the lover, enemy, boyfriend, and frenemy; and the lies go into OVERLOAD. Who knew four teens of political and impoverished families had so much drama!?!?!?

Alibi volume 1 accounts the interrogation of Charles (the lover who didn’t “love her”). He’s a star football playing heart throb Australian native new kid on the block, living with his cousin in America. This kid has a wrap sheet and so many secrets he’s wise beyond his years. The way he tells it makes you love him and hate the others. I suspect there’ll be a trend with the other alibis of this four part novel. “Point of views” can be manipulative and tricky like that. After reading his account, I have a feeling there’s more to the story….in fact, I know there’s more this kid’s withholding.

As a grand-daughter of a Perry Mason fanatic, I’ll take a shot in the dark and attempt to crack this case….

Perhaps the murder is not personal, but a political jab against the mayor to sabotage her campaign. One of the other teen’s parents could have motive if they’re also running for office. Hummmmm!

I could be spot on or I could be way off the map. This first novel was a very quick read jam packed with scandal; and I’m curious to know what the other suspects’ alibis reveal. But I’ll have to continue reading to either support of defuse the validity of my hypothesis.

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