Thursday 10 May 2012

Dreamheart Spotlight #19

“I didn't look in the mirror and say I should model, others have told me I should..."

There are some people in this world that just in one glimpse, their star quality is obvious.  Tangible charisma, so to say, where their very pores are bursting at the seams with potential and you ask yourself, “Why isn’t he/she plastered on every billboard in America yet?”  The answer to that perplexing question is….EXPOSURE!  And it is in this aspect that I am happy to feature yet another multi talent here on Dreamheart Spotlight.
“I have had experiences in life that truly make me unique. Things other people have gone through too but the sum of my experiences makes me, me,” said Lenore Johnson (Model/Artist/Actress).  Of her many talents this US Army veteran’s primary knack is in modeling.  “I love working as a model. I can reach a level of self expression I can't reach any other way. I get to meet very talented artists in design, make up and photography and that is exciting. Modeling let's me go places I normally wouldn't have to have great memories to take with me, even when it is a hard day. I started modeling because of two things. My mother took me to an agency when I was around 12 and that started my interest. Also it came up a lot with people so I figured I might as well try it, while I could.”

“I didn't look in the mirror and say I should model, others have told me I should and [wanted] to work with me,” she said. 

Currently attending a university for her BS in computer engineering technology; Lenore is also a born artist.  “ Once people purchased my work it was a validation.” 

Self taught and inspired by her surroundings Lenore isn’t restricted to one medium.  “I love painting with oil, pastels, sewing with natural fibers, clay, etc.”

“I have been allowed to create, from an early age and it is something I am compelled to do. Those impulses shape my work,” she said.

Ironically this laid back professional does not express goals toward a future in the fashion industry or art world.  “I just want to get in where I fit in and work with those that want to work with me. I also want continue to get deeper into acting.”

Similar to modeling, acting can be a hard knock field, but this doesn’t stop Lenore of anticipating the perfect script to land her prints in the Hollywood sidewalk. “[The roles I would like to play the most are] Action/super herione/villian , military or some deeply disturbed  mentally individual maybe all that put together.”
Her role model in the acting industry is Johnny Depp. “He creates each character down to mannerisms.”  She admires Anthony Hopkins, Denzel Washington, Angelina Jolie, Angela Bassett, Andrey Hepburn, and Cate Blanchett, to name a few.

Her best quality as an actress is interpreting characters; yet she also has a weakness, “ I can't cry on cue,” she admitted.
Even as a novice, Lenore is at a point in her developing career to administer advice. “You have to be willing to pound the pavement and also realize it is not all going to be exciting, there are long hours and can be discomfort (cold, heat, long standing, repetition). You also have to have support be it family or friends.”

Lenore likes traveling, creating art, music, movies, Hello Kitty, and doesn’t think fame would change anything.  “I don't really drink soda, eat artificially flavored drinks and food, or eat fast food hamburgers or fried stuff.  I also go to the gym sporadically and just got into Brazilian Jujitsu.”

“If I ever got that popular I would just be me, but would probably be seen as cool, down to earth and a bit eccentric," she said. 

A jewel like this Dreamheart has many options of representation, but chooses independence.  “I have some agencies I work non-exclusively with, most of my work I book myself.” 

“Hooray internet,” she joked.  “My availability varies but is mostly open. I am up for travel and have a passport. I have gone to Spain for shoots.”

Want to know more about this Dreamheart?
Credits: Photographer James Pleasant
Be sure to show Lenore some love; and don't miss next week's Dreamheart Spotlight!

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