Friday 25 May 2012

Tour Stop/ Review/Giveaway: Tallis by M.C. Rae

TallisTallis by M.C. Rae

Paperback, 58 pages
Published April 2012 by Tulipe Noire Press

My rating: ♥♥❥

The Empire of Andresium is threatened by the corruption of the immortals, ancient beings given the gift of eternal life after the death of the last reigning empress. A prophecy speaks of their eventual downfall at the hands of one of their own, however. Tallis is known by most simply as "The Loren," and seeks to avoid her destiny while trying herself to remain untainted by the decaying morals and indifference to the fates of men that plague her kind. As the events of the prophecy begin to unfold, Tallis finds herself conflicted between upholding her dedication to justice, and falling victim to the ramifications of following the desires of her own heart.

Unlike majority of the books I pick up, I wasn’t instantly drawn into the story.  I think this is mainly because this is a fantasy, and I had to gain an understanding for the world or settings before I could pay attention to the plot.  This was a very short read, yet mid way I found myself liking it more and more.  The writing is beautiful; and I can easily at random pick any line form the story to use as an ice breaker in a poetic public speech. This was a forbidden love tale of immortals and ancient secrets.  Just as soon as the drama blossomed and the prophesy begins to make more sense; the proverbial crap hits the fan and we are lead to believe the “real” action is about to begin. Sadly, it ended too soon.

*Disclaimer:  Book given by YA Bound for an honest review.*


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