Friday 25 May 2012

Now available: Codename: Romeo by Kat Attalla

Victoria Jansen, card carrying MENSA member, can write a book about Quantum Physics—but get her around a handsome man and Charlie Chaplin looks graceful compared to her. She’s determined to break out of her shell, though, and she’s going to start with the sexy plumber in her basement.

Erik Sanders doesn’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that Victoria is trouble. The physicist has the mind of a computer and the body of a centerfold model—too bad she’s also the prime suspect in his industrial espionage case. Working undercover as a plumber will get him the evidence he needs to close this case.
Once he realizes his prime suspect is an innocent pawn, he must protect her until the real criminals are brought to justice. And as her bodyguard, Erik finds himself guarding her body more closely than he should. Suddenly scientific principals like chemistry and forces of nature are taking on a whole new meaning.

"A heart-warming, exciting, and at times funny tale of love and thrills." ~
Lovely Butterfly of Cocktail Reviews gave it 5 Flutes.

"Ms. Attalla writes in such a way that the characters are real. They blend with each other so naturally that their relationship is innate. Erik and Victoria complete each other. I look forward to reading more books by Ms. Attalla." ~
Kim N. of Fallen Angel Reviews gave it 5 Angels

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