Sunday 6 May 2012

Client Mock Up: A Gift for the Hubby #1

Okay so I never got around to making my hubby that suit coat for the hair show (bad wife, bad wife).  My wiggle dress took more time then I expected.  He was such a good sport about it all and wasn't even mad; but I still plan to make him a jacket.  I have 3 separate designs I'm debating over.  One is my rendition of his favorite "members only" 80's jacket (that went missing when we PCS'd from Birmingham).  The second design is a custom coat for him to wear at special events for work (he's a chef, btw).  The third design is just me having a little fun.  I plan to work on this in between my other client projects (maternity wear & steam punk photo shoot).

 I plan to have the flats and mock up done, for look 1, within the next two weeks.

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