Friday 18 May 2012

Tour Stop/Review/Giveaway: Swipe by Evan Angler

by Evan Angler

Paperback, 275 pages
Expected publication: May 8th 2012 (first published May 1st 2012)

My rating: ♥ ♥ ♥

Logan Langley is just months away from his thirteenth birthday and the biggest day of his life- the day he will finally be Marked. The Mark lets people get jobs, vote, and even go out to eat or buy concert tickets.
Becoming Marked means becoming free. Or so he is told. Five years ago when Logan's sister went to get her Mark she never came back. Now Logan can't shake the feeling he's being watched...
And then he finds the wire.

When I was in elementary school, I despised Barney in public (only in public, lol) and begged to watch PG-13 movies. When I was in junior high school, I read YA, tried to bribe my parents into allowing me to watch rated-R movies, and snuck around to listen to explicit music.  When I was in high school, I thought I was GROWN and adhered to no man’s rules…until I got caught! Now that I am an adult (just barely) I can see the humor in the way I behaved. 

That being said, even though this is labeled as a “middle grade” book, I have a strong suspicion that fifth graders (I.E. 11-year-old) will be throwing elbows to get hands on this before the intended 13-year-old crowd.  (Of course YA loving adults, such as myself may also take a strong interest.)  Any who, after reading this, I see that it is a very age appropriate book!  Now that is seriously a breath of fresh air! 

This dystopian story had the elements of espionage, oppression, and impending doom.  They weren’t nightmare worthy for me; but enticing all the same.  One thing that really intrigued me about this book is that the world was almost tangible.  In Swipe, turning thirteen is when you become eligible for the rite of passage, getting Marked. (An electronic device implanted in the wrist for security, financial, and identification purposes.)   I recall a few years back where a scientific study tested micro chips in the hand for financial transactions on a select few.  So while reading, it wasn’t too far fetched to imagine the world per the described state in the not too distant future. It gave me chills just thinking about it.

There was a something of a romance (albeit one sided) with love triangle that was really funny at times.  At other times, it sort of got in the way of the flow of things.

I don’t normally read middle grade novels; but from the moment I read the synopsis, I knew I had to check this out.  From cover to cover, I was thoroughly vested in seeing the concision of this tale.  I got a little snagged in a few places, but overall it was a entertaining read.

Open to US & Canada residents.
Winner will get one paperback copy. 
Must be at least 13-years-old to enter. 
Winner will be contacted via email. 
Please respond within 48 hours.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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