Thursday 24 May 2012

Tour Stop/ Guest Post/ Book Excerpt/ Giveaway: A Kiss for Emily by J.P. Galuska

A Kiss for Emily (Emily Stokes Series, #1)A Kiss for Emily (Emily Stokes Series, #1)
by JP Galuska

Paperback, 372 pages
Published January 1st 2012 by CreateSpace

Emily didn't know that falling in love would place her smack-dab in the middle of a dicey game called deception. Or wake up one morning, shortly thereafter, wondering if she'd actually lost her mind!

A KISS FOR EMILY is a thrilling YA paranormal romance, where discovering the paranormal is exciting for the reader, but life-threatening for Emily Stokes, the 17-yr. old high school student from Kansas.

Hi all! I'm so glad to be here today with Katrina.
I must admit I was a little surprised by her request for a fashion related interview, but then I visited her site and hey! Books and fashion...this place is great! Something that I've never told readers before is that I actually have a short background in the fashion industry as a runway and print model.
My career didn't go very far, but then I didn't go after it with intense vigor, either. One thing I've learned over the years is, "If you want something bad enough, you're willing to work hard enough to get there."

I am a total believer that fashion makes a statement. We will be assessed as professional, sexy, slutty, emo, smart, gay, nerdy, or whatever, based on what we were. Characters in books are no different. Lets pick on one of my characters from my book, A Kiss for Emily, named Sam. Sam lives in rural Kansas, farm country. As a reader, see how your image changes as I change his shoes.

1) "The name's Sam," he offered in a deep but gentle voice. I guessed him to be a few years older than me. And tall. Very tall. Thick biceps emerged from the plain white shirt that stretched tightly over his broad chest. A well-fitting pair of jeans loudly hinted that strong muscular legs matched his upper strength. An old pair of brown leather work boots scuffed across the grass in my direction.

2 ) "Hello," came the friendly greeting. I stood frozen in my embarrassment, unable to speak.  His face was round. His chin, cheeks, and brow were all in perfect proportion , but paid homage to his deep brown eyes.  Thick biceps emerged from the plain white shirt that stretched tightly over his broad chest. A well-fitting pair of jeans loudly hinted that strong muscular legs matched his upper strength. An expense pair of ostrich-skinned cowboy boots shuffled across the grass in my direction.

3) "Hello," came the friendly greeting. I stood frozen in my embarrassment, unable to speak. "The name's Sam," he said in a deep but gentle voice. I guessed him to be a few years older than me. Thick biceps emerged from the plain white shirt that stretched tightly over his broad chest. A well-fitting pair of jeans loudly hinted that strong muscular legs matched his upper strength. A pair of white and blue tennis shoes crossed the grass, heading in my direction.

I invite you all to enter for a free eBook giveaway here on Kindred Dreamheart. If you don't win, I hope you'll stop by Amazon, B&N, or Smashwords and purchase a copy. I'd love to hear which pair of shoes you envisioned the "real" Sam Easley to be wearing.
About the Author:
J.P. Galuska
JP started writing after a work related injury temporarily removed her from the job market. Three years later, she self-published the first novel in her Emily Stokes Series. Although she's a graduate with a master's degree, JP was far from being a literary expert. In fact, learning to write dialog and entertaining narration was all new to her. She started reading lots of books about writing. She joined a local writers' group. And then revised, revised, revised. JP is currently working on the second book entitled, A Gift for Emily. JP loves to hear from readers! Be-friend, follow, and" like" her at these places:
Twitter | Author FB | Book FB | Website | Blog

After a good brushing and other bedtime rituals, I headed back to my bedroom. On the way, I noticed a dim glow coming from Kat's room.
    "Are you still up?"
    "Yeah, I'm not tired." She was watching a video on a small TV that sat upon her dresser.
    "Guess what?" I taunted.
    "You hit your head and now you don't remember who you are."
    "Whatever," I sneered. "I met someone today." I whispered, almost like it was a secret.
    "Kat sat up in her bed. "Who?"
    "His name is Sam. Come here, I want to show you something. He have me a flower." I grabbed her small hand and pulled her out from under her quilted bedspread. Grabbing my shirt from the back of my desk chair, I reached into the pocket to retrieve the delicate red bud from its place of safety. Only there were no soft petals. Instead, I felt...grit. I pulled the pocket open wide and peered into its depths. It was filled with dark, dry dirt.
    "That's strange."
    "What is?"
    "I must have lost it," I said disappointingly, shaking the dirt out into the wastebasket.
    "It's just a stupid flower."
    "And you're too little to understand."
    She crossed her arms. "All right, tell me more."
    "He's the cutest guy I've ever seen in my life. No one at T-West even begins to hold a candle next to him."
    "Oh," she said. Then added, "Did ya kiss him?"
    I imagined him and me in a romantic first kiss. "No."
    Her eyes dimmed.
    "But I'd like to."
    Kat's nose crinkled.

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