Friday 25 May 2012

Tour Stop {Review/Guest Post/Giveaway}: Straight to Hell/ Straight to Heaven by Michelle Scott

Straight to HellStraight to Hell (Lilith Straight #1) by Michelle Scott
Kindle Edition, 179 pages
Published September 8th 2011

My Rating: ♥♥♥♥

The moment Lilith Straight dies, the Devil appears to claim her soul and cash in on a family curse. Now, Lilith has no choice but to work for him. The job is bad, the boss is worse and she can’t imagine how she’ll explain her new reincarnation to her eight-year-old daughter. But then an arrogant, yet oh so yummy, incubus shows up…and hell heats up just a little more.

In book one of the Lilith Straight series; we are introduced to the main character.  Narrated by Lil in a very candid no bars held funny sort of way.  Here are two of my favorite lines:
·         “The woman you always wanted to be.”
·         “Married to someone better looking than your husband, and his salary climbed into figures so high that you’d have to be married to six men before their incomes equaled his.” 
She goes on to talk about her cars, her home, her daughter’s prestigious education, celebrity parties and socialite status.  Yet all in the same breathe her tune changes because within the span of a year this snotty diva is brought down to Earth to live like less than a commoner.  She lives on a substitute teacher’s salary in a 2-BR shabby townhome with her unemployed step sister, unofficially adopted delinquent ex niece-in-law, and daughter.  Just when she thinks things can’t get worst, her free loading step sister moves in her psychic friend/love interest.  And that’s only covers 10% of chapter one.  The real fun begins when Lilith takes an unfortunate trip to the hot zone.  This story literally took me on a ride I will NEVER forget.  The only complaint I couldn’t get over was “ALIMONY”!  This would have been so much more believable if she had something to show for the lost of her elaborate lifestyle of the rich and famous courtesy of her penny pinching ex.  Instead, it was kind of painful to watch her struggles and not have that little common sense voice shouting it in my head.  After Lil’s conversion into the supernatural realm and the new characters that came with it were very entertaining as well.  It was surprising to see the author incorporate morals along with depicting Lil’s inner battle without being preachy.   The only thing keeping me from rating this as a five or higher is the unfair divorce settlement and the ending.  I really held out hope for a different ending. 

Straight to HeavenStraight to Heaven (Lilith Straight #2) by Michelle Scott
Published May 1st 2012 by Urban Fae Publications

My Rating: ♥♥♥♥❥

Hell’s newest employee, Lilith Straight, thinks she’s got a handle on her job as the Devil’s temptress until she finds herself going horns-to-halo with a guardian angel who’s determined to rescue Lilith’s next victim. To make matters worse, William Darcy, the hottest demon in hell, is trying to undermine Lilith’s mission with a few temptations of his own.

This book picks up with Lil living both the perks and cons of her choices from book one.  She’s come to terms with her inner demon and attempted to salvage her life the best she can.  I have to admit for the most part, I was still devastated by her actions in the last book.  Therefore I was in a moot mood until I saw the conflict.  Then I began to root for her adversaries.  (Shameful but true.)  Yet right when I was three quarters done, Lil began to redeem herself in my mind.  I am anxiously anticipating to see whether the next book takes her closer to the light or dark.

Hello, I’m Michelle Scott.  I’m a writer, and I’m addicted to fashion.
I’m not addicted to clothes, mind you.  No, my closet is fairly empty.  It’s fashion that I enjoy.  The styles, the trends, the new collections.  I love to look at them like other people like to look at art in a museum.  I find fashion fascinating!
I wasn’t always this way.  I blame Project Runway and Tim Gunn for my addiction.  Ever since I started watching that TV show, I’ve started seeing fashion design in a whole, new way.  I never before realized what goes into creating a single piece of clothing let alone a collection, and I’d never thought of design as artwork until that show educated me.
Now, I can’t get enough.  Like most chick lit writers, I love filling my character’s closet with designer names, but beyond that, I love to talk about colors (coral and ruby and mint green) and cut (v-necks and empire waists) and fabric (silk, cashmere, and brocade).  I used to design clothes for my Barbie dolls when I was a kid, but now I get to dress up my main character.
Personally, I’m a very conservative dresser.  Most of my clothes come from places like Eddie Bauer and Land’s End.  You know, places that sell plain, but long-lasting clothing.  My characters are another matter.  Both Lilith Straight, the succubus, and her bff, Mr. Clerk, love designer clothes and know how to wear them.  Some of my favorite moments in the books come when the two of them argue over fashion.  Lilith is very particular about what she puts on her body.  This goes double for Mr. Clerk, who is rumored to have gone to Hell because of the designer labels.
So, yes, I admit that I’m living my fashion fantasies through my characters with their perfect figures and unlimited budgets.  But isn’t that what fiction is for?

About the Author
Michelle Scott received her MFA from Wayne State University.  Her stories have appeared in such places as Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show, All Possible Worlds and Realms.  Her fantasy novel, The Dragons of Hazlett was nominated for a 2009 EPPIE Award.  Michelle’s YA novels include the vampire romance, Blood Sisters, and the fantasy Uncommon Magic.  Her latest fantasy novel, An Anthem for the Battle Lands, was recently released from Mundania Press, LLC.  Michelle lives in southeast Michigan with her husband and three children.

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