Thursday 31 May 2012

Tour Stop (Giveaway/Review): A Skinwalker’s Legacy By Shae Wynters

A Skinwalker’s Legacy
By Shae Wynters
Published March 24, 2012 by Liquid Silver Books 
My Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥
Lexia Torrance is a young woman with the gift of second sight. Her ability allows the Phoenix Police Department to solve crimes based on the gift of touch. Her latest case leads her to the body of a local man left with the killers' calling card—an emblem burned on the victim's chest in the shape of a sun. She soon finds herself facing five men looking for the necklace with the same emblem…and they are determined to find her as well...

Galen Cortes knows the immense ability deep inside Lexia as well as her destiny to take the throne as Skinwalker Chieftess to the southwest tribe. As a guard of the tribe, Galen has sworn to protect Lexia and teach her the truth about her powers. Despite what his heart feels, he knows a guard isn’t supposed to get too close to a betrothed Chieftess. But his fiery passion may soon override his rational thought.

With a murderous Lycan tribe on their tail and only a few hours to spare once Lexia learns her birthright, Galen will only have a day to teach her what those before her learned in a lifetime. Before their time is over, passion will erupt between the guard and his ruler, a fateful battle will dawn between two tribes and a new Chieftess will arise within the nocturnal hours…
About the Author

Shae Wynters is the pen name of an award winning, best selling author who has been writing for more than twenty years and has been professionally published for eleven years. A bonafide vampire, fantasy, sensual romance and speculative fiction lover, Shae sometimes meshes all these elements together for a rip roaring story to entertain her spectrum of readers.
Check out the author online:

Murder and mystery…shifters and prophesy. … A princess and a guard!  I was pleasantly surprised when I picked this up and was instantly vested to absorb EVERY-SINGLE-WORD!  The romantic elements were phenomenal.  The chemistry between Lexia and Galen was absolutely electric.  Lexia’s power to see the past was interesting; yet confusing at times.  Like when they weren’t working properly, but the malfunction was never really diagnosed.  I was able to ignore this due in part to the other flow of events. One thing that I really appreciated was that the action NEVER stopped.  Right when you think there would be calm, things picked right back up again.    Sadly, I could not rate this five, because there were a few inconsistencies that I could not ignore.  I was baffled on more than one occasion.  At one point, Lexia is kidnapped and later when the events are recounted, the location is flawed.  Another blooper was Lexia and Galen’s first sexual experience.  The story keeps hinting that something happened, but after reading on I’m not so sure.  I mean when IT happened…..WOW!  Lexia and Galen can best be labeled as star-crossed; because as much as they want to be together, prophesy says otherwise.  I am curious to see what happens next with these two. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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