Sunday 20 May 2012

Tour Stop/Review: Rest for the Wicked By Cate Dean

Rest for the Wicked By Cate Dean
Paperback, 150 pages
Published April 16th 2012 by Pentam Press

My Rating: ♥♥♥❥
Book One The Claire Wiche Chronicles

Claire Wiche – an ordinary woman, running her Wicca shop in an ordinary California beach town.

But Claire wasn’t always ordinary, and she isn’t quite human. She hides a secret, and a past that she desperately wants to put behind her.

When that past explodes into her present, threatening the people she loves, and the community that has offered her a place to finally belong, Claire must become what she left behind in order to save them.

About the Author

Cate Dean has been writing for, well, ever. She grew up losing herself in the wilds of fantasy worlds, and has had some of her own adventures while tromping through the UK, and a few other parts of the world. A lover of all things supernatural, she infuses that love into her stories, giving them a unique edge. When she’s not writing, she loves cooking, scaring herself silly in the local cemeteries, and reading pretty much anything she can get her hands on.

Ordinary is Not the word to describe this book!  I absolutely enjoyed this tale about witches and other things that go bump in the night.  The author did an excellent job of creating an air tight innocent alibi for the main character, Claire, only to take you on a journey of uncovering the dirty little secrets sweep under the rug.  This book was a shocker.  Here I was thinking it was going to be glitter and fairy dust; yet it turned out to be more of a soap opera, complete with drama, sexual activity, murder, magic, minions, and other juicy diabolicalness.   In the end we’re left on a cliff hanger that is sure to frustrate many. 

*Disclaimer:  Book given by Bewitching Book Tours for honest review.*

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