Friday 30 December 2011

Fashion Forward Fiction Friday (2)

Join me every week, where I judge books by their "fashionable" cover!
Violet In Private (Violet, #3)From a distance I thought she was wearing boots.  Up close I see it’s just socks, but the ensemble is still Hot.  I want the whole look.   In middle school, I went through a “Clueless” phase.  This book reminds me of those days.   Alicia Silverstone was my idol.  I wore supper short pleated skirts, socks with pumps, and a button down like this one, and said things like “as if”.    My socks were always white, so I’m definitely digging the purple ones.  Those shades and hoop earrings, hair blowing in the wind…”SUPER STAR”.  Oh yes I would go grocery shopping in this!  No, scratch that, I’ll go to the library in this!  Who wears short skirts?  I wear short skirts.  Lol.
This “ Fashion Forward Fiction Friday” feature was brought to you by this book:

Violet In Private (Violet #3)


The return of Violet, the not-so- confident model…Violet Greenfield knows she’s supposed to be a super-confident nineteen-year-old because she’s done runway shows in New York and internationally. But now that she’s finally headed to college, she’s afraid she’ll turn back into that girl who blended into the walls in high school. Vassar is just two hours away from New York City––her friends in fashion think she’s crazy to stop modeling now. And her old friend Roger is there...but things have been weird ever since they kissed. The real question is if she’s not going to be “Violet on the Runway” anymore...who is she?

I think I'll be checking out the Violet series now! 
She has a classic flare that I like on a cute cover.  
So what's you stylist pick?

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