Thursday 22 December 2011

5 Star Review for Snowed in Together by Ann Herrick

"Snowed In Together reminded me of one of my favorite movies - The Breakfast Club. While the plot, the characters, the setting, really everything is completely different than the 80s hit movie, yet the magical essence of being a teenager and having the unexpected happen when you least expect it remains. I liked Wes, our main character. He is a little shy and as normal as can be. He hasn't found his stride with the girls at school yet (neither has his friends Tony and Jeff), but doesn't turn his back to the opportunity that presents itself when his friends and their dream girls get snowed in together.

Ann completely stayed true to the characters and their age. Teenage hormones were very active, but not overdone. And I loved how everything turned out in the end for Wes and his friends. Things didn't end perfectly - I mean, it's high school - but the things that really matter, like self-confidence, self-discovery, and self-growth, was accomplished in spades. Ann Herrick's "Snowed In Together" is definitely a five star story!

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